Bits of Wisdom

BOWlogo4As talked about I’ve created a new website.  It’s Bits of Wisdom.  and it’s located at

It doesn’t have too many posts on it but it’ll grow.  I’m sure I won’t post as many things to it every day, but I hope to add something almost every day. 

The stuff you’ll find on Bits of Wisdom will be things that one might gain some knowledge from or learn a coping skill or just a clever quote that makes a difference to someone.  There will be a little humor too, but nothing too risque.  I’d like for it to be more family friendly.

I’m hoping the loyal readers of B&P will contribute stories, quoted or advice to the site.

It still needs quite a bit of work before I’ll feel it’s suitable.  I’ve created a few header logos that will appear randomly when the page loads.  I really don’t have a particular style in mind for the header, so if anyone wants to create one to add to the mix, I’d appreciate it.   the size is 150 pixels by 1440 pixels.  The content needs to be centered in that space and not go wall to wall.

Also, I’m not sure that the tagline will stay what it is now, but maybe.

Anyway, wander on over to Bits of Wisdom and take a look.  I’m open to suggestions from you guys.  Send any ideas to [email protected]

Thanks for always being there!