The deal with disability

EvaA new blog, The Deal With Disability by Eva, a 26 year old young lady with a severe disability, Cerebral Palsy.  She can’t walk, talk or speak, yet she has an uncanny way of communicating with people and helps us see her world in a different way. 

Her blog deals with how people react with her in everyday situations.

Check it out.



ErtardsHere are a few examples of dealing with the people that enter the Emergency Room:

I was at the nurses station about a month ago filling out papers when a lady and her husband come up to the counter. The man goes and sits and the lady asks the nurse quietly “Can I put DNR on here and not worry about coming back?” The nurse giggles and says sorry, no, at which the lady smiles and says “Oh c’mon, they let us do it at the animal hospital!”

A 93 year old drunk woman needed a CT of her head after a fall. After I explained the test to her, she decided that she didn’t need it and stripped out of her gown for good measure. For the next 10 minutes the nurse and I desperately tried to put her gown back on while she yelled and tried to climb out of the cart, jiggling all over the place. It was not a good jiggle.

Had a drunk who had been beaten bad brought in by EMS on a spine board. Doc cleared him off the board, so the case nurse got some of us to help her roll him off. She said ‘Hun, we’re gonna turn you over’ and he asked ‘To who?’

When asked for her medical allergies the other night, a patient told one of our nurses she was allergic to oxygen. Seriously.

Patient comes into ER for a vibrator stuck in his Ass. The ER physician can feel the vibrations coming through the man’s abdomen and cannot retrieve it so he consults a surgeon who comes in to see patient and takes him for surgery. Just prior to the surgery, The surgeon asks the patient “alright when I get in here do you want me to remove it or change the batteries!” fucking hilarious and I love this surgeon.

