The one that didn’t get away

This is NOT a fish story !  This is a new record Northern Pike in Canada .. He caught it on Turtle Lake.
Check this thing out.. The man (in the photos below), was fishing and caught a 36″ Pike..
As he was reeling it in, a 56″ – 55 lb Pike tried to eat it !!!!!

He landed them both in the same net. The last picture is unreal.





Jumbo shrimp surprise

NASA finds shrimp they weren’t expecting.

There’s a lot more going on beneath those huge sheets of Antarctic ice than you might think. NASA researchers drilled an eight-inch hole and stuck a video camera 600 feet down, hoping to observe the underbelly of the thick ice sheet.

To their amazement, a curious critter swam into view and clung to the video camera’s cable. The three-inch crustacean in their video is a Lyssianasid amphipod, a relative of a shrimp.

I didn’t know NASA went in that direction.  I just thought they always headed away from the earth’s surface, not under it.
