A picture of the wife in his wallet…

A man and his wife had been married for several years.

About two years into their marriage the husband began carrying a picture of Pam around in his wallet, something she had noticed but didn’t comment on for several months.

Every once in awhile she’d catch him looking at her photo and finally her curiosity got the best of her. “I notice that several months ago you started carrying a photo of me with you. Why?” asked the wife.

The husband smiled at his wife stating, “whenever there is an overwhelming problem or stress in my life I simply pull out your picture, stare at it, and the problem or stress suddenly disappears.”

“Wow!” responded his wife.
“I have that strong of a miraculous influence on you?”
“Of course you do,” he said.
“I see your picture and say to myself,
‘what greater problem in the world is there than this one?’”

He is still in traction.


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