I’ve been thinking about making a post about the spam comments I receive here on B&P. I’d say I get a couple hundred a day. The WordPress plugin I use catches probably 98% of it and puts it into a spam folder. I go through it (quick scan it anyway) a few times a day just to make sure a real comment doesn’t get tossed in there by mistake. That does happen, but maybe one a day, if that. I think I catch most of them. But on occasion a real comment might fall through the cracks and be lost forever.
The most annoying spam comments to me are the ones that go on and on… several screens for one comment. Those are always just long lists of links, some not even linked up (just a list of words, a few of which are linked).
I know there’s not much more I can do to stop them, so I’m thankful for the spam filtering I have. Below are some examples of some of the spam I’ve gotten the last two days. I didn’t even list any for porn ads which I’m sure everyone gets.
Hi I reach this site by mistake when i was searching yahoo for this windows issue, I have to [nothing else there] Looks like windows took care of that!
on a post about crocodiles: Fine blog. I got a lot of effective data. I’ve been following this technology for awhile. It’s fascinating how it keeps shifting, yet some of the core components stay the same. Have you seen much change since Google made their latest acquisition in the domain? Google crocodile technology does keep changing.
Very nice site! cheap cialis [Link removed] Is it legal to use the words cheap and Cialis in the same sentence? Now there’s an oxymoron.
I get hundreds (maybe thousands) of these: I can not agree with you in 100% regarding some thoughts, but you got good point of view. [Majority of those on funny picture posts.] I CAN agree with you on that!
Hello, it looks like your site is up and coming in the In the what? Don’t stop now!
Hey, This is a awesome string. I found you on msn. Keep up the work. String? Some people are easily entertained. Here, play with this cigarette butt I found.
Please also start a writing contest for bloggers with big prizes. It can become hugely popular: perhaps the most popular writing competition in the world if you plan it well. I’ll get right on that.
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Cool post! How much stuff did you have to look up in order to write this one? I can tell you put some work in. In truth, Gus does all the hard work. I just cut and paste.
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Bernie, Only $2000 a day? Harder to make a living in prison isn’t it? I’ll tell Mrs. Madoff you said hello.
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I get a lot of spam like this only they go on for about 40 lines and are sprinkled with 2 to 4 links in every line.
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Miss Cellania, you’re from Kentucky, can you translate that for us?
I never thought I will agree with this opinion, but you know KLAW, is that you?
On a post about people who hate Michael Jackson: Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. I never thought I will agree with this opinion, but you know
buy title acomplia acomplia buy best buy acomplia rimonabant online [link removed] (Gus this one’s all yours.) Woof ruff, ar-rufff, woef, grrrr, RUF, woef, GRRR, ruf, ruff.
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On the mute button post… I just actually originally planned to create content on my web-site a little something comparable to yours somehow you’ve made a bunch excellent ideas here. I do look for on the subject of the main article and also noticed nearly all guys will probably agree for your post.Great post!Here web in which you can easily purcahse video camera over the internet Of course it had the obligatory link “… somehow you’ve made a bunch excellent ideas here”. If Gus reads that he’ll bite you in your ass.
LMAO, thanks Jon for some good chuckles.
Won’t CAPTCHA’s and the like help with the spam problem?
Or do you prefer not to use those?
Em, Id prefer not to do that to my readers (I know how much I don’t like doing that when I have to). I think I’d get a lot fewer comments. The spam filtering works pretty good. I don’t have to go thru them, but I choose to… when I have the time anyway. Every now and then I just delete the folder without looking at them.
“Considerably, the article is actually the sweetest on this notable topic. I fit in with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your future updates.”
Geez I love that.
Gus and you work hard for us. Thanks, eh!
Hey Jonco,
I started using this WordPress plugin and I get zero spam… of course I don’t get the traffic you do, but I think it is a great plugin. I agree with you about the whole captcha thing. This does not put anything in the way of the user making comments.
I want to see the spam you’ll get on the spam article. 🙂 And, yes, please don’t CAPTCHA us!