22 thoughts on “Palin interview is more interesting with creative editing”
I hope she gets rich from her book by selling it to nitwits who don’t deserve to keep their money anyway. And then she can finally GO AWAY!
a lot more truth there than we hear in real life
paul in boca, my thoughts exactly!!
As an Alaskan, I love Palin because she pisses off all of the right people! If that means you, tough crap!
BTW, she’s not going away- get use to it!
That was great!
Look to see this reported on MSNBC and CNN as the real interview. They do a lot of fact checking so they will be sure this is what she actually said.
BTW, if she is such a nit-wit, why are people so scared of her that they have to make up things about her? Why don’t they just let her speak and convince the public herself with her own words? Could it be that she is speaking truth and the powers that be don’t like to have their word questioned or maybe they have something to hide that she is exposing?
Um, Chris, it seems to me that she’s been speaking pretty freely and I sure haven’t seen anyone stopping her from saying what’s on her mind.
Maybe you’re seeing things that you just think are there instead of what is.
The fact is, Sarah Palin has no real reason to be in the news at all anymore, but she is – every day, everywhere. So exactly where do you feel she’s being held back?
Who exactly is scared of her? If Rush and Glenn are telling you that she scares Americans, then I suggest you turn off the radio. There has been a plethora of reporting done in the last few days, from all over the political spectrum, pointing out the lies she has been telling. Just out of curiosity, can you give me some examples of what she has said that is true that people she is talking about want to keep hidden?
PIB, name one lie. Maybe you should turn off Olberman and Madcow. Once in a lifetime a politician stands up against those in her own party, walks the walk and has some integrity and she is savaged by blind ideologues like yourself. Yes, the left is scared of her because she is POPULAR! She had a best-selling book before it even was released and thousands line up to see her. That’s what scares you Obamaites. I know for a fact that the BS liberal media reported lies about her as fact. The world has taken a surreal turn and I don’t even listen to Rush (except the Canadian band) or Beck. I live in AK and I know that there were distortions and lies and every possible slime tactic used to destroy her…and guess what? She’s still around. Just keep on electing these Harvard and Yale grads that make lots and lots of speeches but still just toe the party line. how about the tax cut for 95% of Americans. Check the fine print, our taxes are going up, up, up. Go back to sleep.
Chris: NOBODY is scared of her. You think there are people scared of her because that’s what SHE tells you! And you eat all that nonsense line hook and sinker. The REPUBLICAN PARTY is scared of her because she is divisive and she would never make it to the Presidency now. And that’s why they want her to stay down and let the serious candidates try to unite the party once again.
That’s what you get for listening to that drug junkie Rush (the big fat idiot) Limbaugh.
Here’s one:
“On the afternoon of Oct. 2, 2008 — the day of the vice presidential debate last year — Politico’s Jonathan Martin broke the news that Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign was “pulling out of Michigan.” The next day, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told Fox News’ Carl Cameron that she disagreed with the decision. “I fired a quick e-mail and said, oh, come on. Do we have to call it there?” said Palin. “I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try.”
But in her interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired yesterday, Palin claimed that she only “went rogue” on the Michigan message because she “didn’t know we pulled out of Michigan”:
WINFREY: Didn’t several times they say to you when actually you mentioned, when you were talking about pulling out of Michigan and you said I wished we’d stayed in Michigan. Weren’t you told then, Sarah just stay on script?
PALIN: Right, told after wards and that, that was always puzzling to me because if I were to respond to a reporter’s questions very candidly, honestly, for instance, they say, “what do you think about the campaign pulling out of Michigan” and I think, “darn I wish we weren’t. Every vote matters, I can’t wait to get back to Michigan” and then told afterwards that, “oh, you screwed up. You went rogue on us Sarah, you’re not supposed to be.” And my reminder to the campaign was, I didn’t know we pulled out of Michigan. My entire VP team, we didn’t know that we had pulled out. I’m sorry, I apologize, but speaking candidly to a reporter.”
Do you get any national news up there in Alaska that is not the Fux News Network? You can’t help hearing about the distortions and spin coming out of what she has written. And it seems that everything that she writes about is someone else’s fault. This woman does not “walks the walk and has some integrity”.
Finding out the truth about “Going Rogue” (definition of “rogue, by the way: Main Entry: 1 rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1561
1 : vagrant, tramp
2 : a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation” http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary-tb/rogue) is very simple: Google “Palin lies” and you can spend the rest of the day edumacating yourself.
Don’t tell me go back to sleep. YOU need to wake up .
That’s the most intelligence I’ve heard from her yet. BTW, I am not an Obamaite – didn’t vote for him. Voted for McCain/Palin with the full knowledge that they weren’t gonna win. I would have voted for Obama if I thought they would. Palin is exactly what is wrong with the Republican party right now. Too much BS against the administration and not enough constructive thought or action. Palin is even advocating profiling (see Hannity interview). Fortunately her own, and my, party is unlikely to nominate a nut job like her unless they want to lose again.
Um, Grog, you realize that was the video version of cut and paste, don’t you?
I guess since Bush is no longer around you folks on the left have to hate someone. I dislike Obama’s policies but I don’t hate the man. You lefties seem to have an inexhaustible supply of hatred while you pretend to be all-inclusive and tolerant.
Your entire Michigan thing adds up to exactly — NOTHING. I would rather see someone get little things like that wrong if they didn’t lie to me about my taxes going up, ending wars…you know little tidbits like that. Have a nice day.
There’s no mention of hatred of Palin from me. Do you make more than $250K per year? If you do, then you were told your taxes would be going up. Ending wars? It’s a tad more complicated that switching off a light. Obama has, it appears, rejected the request for 44,000 more troops, and has asked his advisors to go back to the drawing table. Kind of like, you know, making sure he does the right thing, instead of charging ahead and not thinking of the consequences. You know, the way we were led into Iraq in the first place. Have a nice day? Thanks for the wish, and right back at you.
You guys are making my point for me. If she is so bad, why are you ranting and railing on her? If she is so unimportant or so marginal, why are you spending so much time researching every word she says and then taking a small point like the campaign pulling out of Michigan and blowing it up so much?
Did you do the same to Obama when he said he had been in 52 states so far and had a few more to go? Did you rank on Biden and all of his gaffs? Are you even questioning the “Transparency” promised by the democrates but then having the Medical bill written behind locked (and locks changed to keep out the other side) doors?
No, It’s all about some (according to you) insignificant bimbo who can’t even read from some backward state where she was banning books as the Mayor of some small town.
Do you actually listen to yourselves? Do you actually believe everything that’s spouted by the daily KOS? Do you really think you are making points by insulting the most listened-to radio show? Next you’ll be telling me that the audio in the above clip is the real thing and that what was broadcast on the Oprah show was the dubbed version. Or that she actually did say that she could see Russia from her house.
At least I listen to both sides of the spectrum and don’t try to make things up about the other side. As MCW said, the left claims to be all-inclusive but don’t dare to say anything out of line or you’ll get torn apart.
I will answer you in depth, but it’s off to work for now. I’ve bookmarked this discussion, I’ll post in in the wee hours of the morning.
But for starters, I rarely, if ever, read Kos.
Chris: You missed the point entirely. Why is Octomom so famous now? Because she is a TOTAL F-UP. I can give you more idiots on TV who are super famous and who get tons of publicity because of the same reason I just mentioned. Because they’re stoooopid.
She gives the media something to do. That’s why everyone is always following her. They get material from her. That’s all they care about.
Meanwhile, people like you think she’s all that and a bag of chips just because TV can’t leave her alone!
Now go ask her what newspapers she reads and she’ll still tell you that she read ALL OF THEM. Duhhhh!!!!
Hey Chris, click on that AdSense advertisement there on the top left corner of the screen! They have a free offer for Sarah Palin’s book! Go buy it! And help Jonco keep the blog going at the same time.
Now everyone’s happy and the money has been parted.
Yes,Paul in Boca, I knew. Normally she doesn’t make that much sense.
I hope she gets rich from her book by selling it to nitwits who don’t deserve to keep their money anyway. And then she can finally GO AWAY!
a lot more truth there than we hear in real life
paul in boca, my thoughts exactly!!
As an Alaskan, I love Palin because she pisses off all of the right people! If that means you, tough crap!
BTW, she’s not going away- get use to it!
That was great!
Look to see this reported on MSNBC and CNN as the real interview. They do a lot of fact checking so they will be sure this is what she actually said.
BTW, if she is such a nit-wit, why are people so scared of her that they have to make up things about her? Why don’t they just let her speak and convince the public herself with her own words? Could it be that she is speaking truth and the powers that be don’t like to have their word questioned or maybe they have something to hide that she is exposing?
Um, Chris, it seems to me that she’s been speaking pretty freely and I sure haven’t seen anyone stopping her from saying what’s on her mind.
Maybe you’re seeing things that you just think are there instead of what is.
The fact is, Sarah Palin has no real reason to be in the news at all anymore, but she is – every day, everywhere. So exactly where do you feel she’s being held back?
Who exactly is scared of her? If Rush and Glenn are telling you that she scares Americans, then I suggest you turn off the radio. There has been a plethora of reporting done in the last few days, from all over the political spectrum, pointing out the lies she has been telling. Just out of curiosity, can you give me some examples of what she has said that is true that people she is talking about want to keep hidden?
PIB, name one lie. Maybe you should turn off Olberman and Madcow. Once in a lifetime a politician stands up against those in her own party, walks the walk and has some integrity and she is savaged by blind ideologues like yourself. Yes, the left is scared of her because she is POPULAR! She had a best-selling book before it even was released and thousands line up to see her. That’s what scares you Obamaites. I know for a fact that the BS liberal media reported lies about her as fact. The world has taken a surreal turn and I don’t even listen to Rush (except the Canadian band) or Beck. I live in AK and I know that there were distortions and lies and every possible slime tactic used to destroy her…and guess what? She’s still around. Just keep on electing these Harvard and Yale grads that make lots and lots of speeches but still just toe the party line. how about the tax cut for 95% of Americans. Check the fine print, our taxes are going up, up, up. Go back to sleep.
Chris: NOBODY is scared of her. You think there are people scared of her because that’s what SHE tells you! And you eat all that nonsense line hook and sinker. The REPUBLICAN PARTY is scared of her because she is divisive and she would never make it to the Presidency now. And that’s why they want her to stay down and let the serious candidates try to unite the party once again.
That’s what you get for listening to that drug junkie Rush (the big fat idiot) Limbaugh.
Here’s one:
“On the afternoon of Oct. 2, 2008 — the day of the vice presidential debate last year — Politico’s Jonathan Martin broke the news that Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign was “pulling out of Michigan.” The next day, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told Fox News’ Carl Cameron that she disagreed with the decision. “I fired a quick e-mail and said, oh, come on. Do we have to call it there?” said Palin. “I want to get back to Michigan and I want to try.”
But in her interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired yesterday, Palin claimed that she only “went rogue” on the Michigan message because she “didn’t know we pulled out of Michigan”:
WINFREY: Didn’t several times they say to you when actually you mentioned, when you were talking about pulling out of Michigan and you said I wished we’d stayed in Michigan. Weren’t you told then, Sarah just stay on script?
PALIN: Right, told after wards and that, that was always puzzling to me because if I were to respond to a reporter’s questions very candidly, honestly, for instance, they say, “what do you think about the campaign pulling out of Michigan” and I think, “darn I wish we weren’t. Every vote matters, I can’t wait to get back to Michigan” and then told afterwards that, “oh, you screwed up. You went rogue on us Sarah, you’re not supposed to be.” And my reminder to the campaign was, I didn’t know we pulled out of Michigan. My entire VP team, we didn’t know that we had pulled out. I’m sorry, I apologize, but speaking candidly to a reporter.”
Do you get any national news up there in Alaska that is not the Fux News Network? You can’t help hearing about the distortions and spin coming out of what she has written. And it seems that everything that she writes about is someone else’s fault. This woman does not “walks the walk and has some integrity”.
Finding out the truth about “Going Rogue” (definition of “rogue, by the way: Main Entry: 1 rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1561
1 : vagrant, tramp
2 : a dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation” http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary-tb/rogue) is very simple: Google “Palin lies” and you can spend the rest of the day edumacating yourself.
Don’t tell me go back to sleep. YOU need to wake up .
That’s the most intelligence I’ve heard from her yet. BTW, I am not an Obamaite – didn’t vote for him. Voted for McCain/Palin with the full knowledge that they weren’t gonna win. I would have voted for Obama if I thought they would. Palin is exactly what is wrong with the Republican party right now. Too much BS against the administration and not enough constructive thought or action. Palin is even advocating profiling (see Hannity interview). Fortunately her own, and my, party is unlikely to nominate a nut job like her unless they want to lose again.
Um, Grog, you realize that was the video version of cut and paste, don’t you?
I guess since Bush is no longer around you folks on the left have to hate someone. I dislike Obama’s policies but I don’t hate the man. You lefties seem to have an inexhaustible supply of hatred while you pretend to be all-inclusive and tolerant.
Your entire Michigan thing adds up to exactly — NOTHING. I would rather see someone get little things like that wrong if they didn’t lie to me about my taxes going up, ending wars…you know little tidbits like that. Have a nice day.
There’s no mention of hatred of Palin from me. Do you make more than $250K per year? If you do, then you were told your taxes would be going up. Ending wars? It’s a tad more complicated that switching off a light. Obama has, it appears, rejected the request for 44,000 more troops, and has asked his advisors to go back to the drawing table. Kind of like, you know, making sure he does the right thing, instead of charging ahead and not thinking of the consequences. You know, the way we were led into Iraq in the first place. Have a nice day? Thanks for the wish, and right back at you.
You guys are making my point for me. If she is so bad, why are you ranting and railing on her? If she is so unimportant or so marginal, why are you spending so much time researching every word she says and then taking a small point like the campaign pulling out of Michigan and blowing it up so much?
Did you do the same to Obama when he said he had been in 52 states so far and had a few more to go? Did you rank on Biden and all of his gaffs? Are you even questioning the “Transparency” promised by the democrates but then having the Medical bill written behind locked (and locks changed to keep out the other side) doors?
No, It’s all about some (according to you) insignificant bimbo who can’t even read from some backward state where she was banning books as the Mayor of some small town.
Do you actually listen to yourselves? Do you actually believe everything that’s spouted by the daily KOS? Do you really think you are making points by insulting the most listened-to radio show? Next you’ll be telling me that the audio in the above clip is the real thing and that what was broadcast on the Oprah show was the dubbed version. Or that she actually did say that she could see Russia from her house.
At least I listen to both sides of the spectrum and don’t try to make things up about the other side. As MCW said, the left claims to be all-inclusive but don’t dare to say anything out of line or you’ll get torn apart.
I will answer you in depth, but it’s off to work for now. I’ve bookmarked this discussion, I’ll post in in the wee hours of the morning.
But for starters, I rarely, if ever, read Kos.
Chris: You missed the point entirely. Why is Octomom so famous now? Because she is a TOTAL F-UP. I can give you more idiots on TV who are super famous and who get tons of publicity because of the same reason I just mentioned. Because they’re stoooopid.
She gives the media something to do. That’s why everyone is always following her. They get material from her. That’s all they care about.
Meanwhile, people like you think she’s all that and a bag of chips just because TV can’t leave her alone!
Now go ask her what newspapers she reads and she’ll still tell you that she read ALL OF THEM. Duhhhh!!!!
Hey Chris, click on that AdSense advertisement there on the top left corner of the screen! They have a free offer for Sarah Palin’s book! Go buy it! And help Jonco keep the blog going at the same time.
Now everyone’s happy and the money has been parted.
Yes,Paul in Boca, I knew. Normally she doesn’t make that much sense.