14 thoughts on “Don’t do drugs”

  1. There’s no way that’s real. I’ve seen some pretty nasty before and after picture in drug documentaries, and nothing was nowhere near this bad in anything less than half a century.

  2. I think what you guys call double coyote ugly is what we call badger ugly, thats where you chew the other arm off so it won’t ever happen again.

  3. Paul –
    Coyote Ugly: Waking up from a drunken stupor to find that your sexual partner of the previous night is not only ghastly, but is sleeping with her head resting on your arm. The only way to escape, without waking the beast, is to chew off your arm and flee.
    Double Coyote Ugly: The man gnaws off his other arm because he knows she’ll be looking for a one armed man.
    (Urban Dictionary)

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