14 thoughts on “Carrot Bottom”

  1. Muscles are fine, whatever.. doesn’t really matter. But that…. is disgusting! He’s probably ginger downstairs

  2. yuck a man that has so much plastic surgery is just wrong anyway you look at it!! i would rather not look at it at all!!

  3. I saw him at the Luxor in Las Vegas, and he is actually quite hilarious. Not much to look at – I will give you that, but very, very funny. He has a high energy performance with funny props and his jokes are never stale. I would go see him again. A lot of the stigma attached to him is from the stupid AT&T (or some phone brand) commercials where his character was annoying. In reality, the guy is pretty cool and very approachable. I ran into him at a Nascar race in Vegas and he was super cool. Quit bashing.

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