
Here are some classic punchlines.  You know the jokes.

  • Rectum? Damn killed him!
  • I rang the doorbell, didn’t I?
  • This time you hold the pigeon down and I’ll crap on it’s head.
  • Aren’t you a little bit old to be believin’ in Leprechauns then?
  • We’re the Aristocrats!
  • That dog’s not so shaggy
  • Doctor: “Okay, you’re ugly too”.
  • Frayed knot
  • Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.
  • They chip their teeth.
  • There’s WhiteOut on the screen
  • Watching your mother-in-law drive your brand new car off a cliff
  • But Mabel – it’s eating POPCORN!
  • Not so tough now are you Batman!!
  • Well wash your hands, I want a grilled cheese sandwich.

I know most of these.  A couple are kind of fuzzy.


27 thoughts on “Punchlines”

  1. No, Boca Dude, but I sit down extremely well.
    A morning DJ (!) out of Detroit that I used to listen to would have a punchline call-in day every few months and I could barely function I was laughing so hard. LOVE punchlines!

  2. I thought that the first was a stand-along punchline, which existed in absence of an actual joke?

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