14 thoughts on “Rihanna”

  1. I actually LOL. I think that might make me a bad person, but I knew that already. Can’t wait for the outrage posts – they might be even funnier than the picture!

  2. LOL at the victim’s actions mitigating a man beating on a woman! Obviously people who don’t understand the concept of abusers and how they dominate their victims, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Seriously, things can be in unrepentant bad taste and still be funny, like dead baby jokes. Dead babies aren’t funny, but jokes about them can be.

  3. LAFF!

    As has been said, she was seen as a victim before I found out she was “egging him on” and “setting him up to be caught by cops” and dumb enough to “go back to him” after everything. Fuck Rhianna. She gets what she gets, including all the jokes she just walked into.

  4. I thought my girls that is the bum hits you you come home and get me and i will explain the definition of castration to him with illustrations.

  5. I have to disagree Killer Rabbit. I have yet to be offended by anything on here so I am clearly not sensitive but dead baby or rape jokes are just never funny.

    Jonco, I repeat, everyone else can get stuffed. Never back down!


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