10 awesome things you didn’t know about Clint Eastwood

Cowboy favorites10. Clint has directed more movies than Steven Spielberg and George Lucas

9. Clint played at Carnegie Hall

8. Clint used to dig pools for a living

7. Clint tried his hand at recording pop records

6. Clint was fired by Universal Studios for having an Adam’s apple that was too big

5. Clint received the French Legion d’Honneur award

4. Clint drives a beater  (a beat-up  late-‘80s Grand Marquis)

3. Clint threatened to kill Michael Moore

2. Clint is allergic to horses

1. Clint is a vegan

Details on these interesting facts


7 thoughts on “10 awesome things you didn’t know about Clint Eastwood”

  1. I had no idea there was such a thing as a horse allergy. But I, too, have on more than one occasion made threats against Michael Moore. And vegans. All of them.

  2. Did Michael Moore make fun of his big adams apple? JK…Michael Moore’s egg should’ve been scrambled before he hatched.

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