11 thoughts on “Michael J Fox + X =”

  1. Speaking as someone who lost his grandfather to Parkinson’s…I particularly found the Etch-A-Sketch one funny. 🙂

  2. OMG these a fricken hilarious! You could also change out Michael’s pictures and replace them with Mohammed Ali.. See you in hell:)

  3. I have parkinsons, i like a laugh and a giggle like the rest of us,even at my parkinsons but not at these not funny at all! as for mandys comment what comes around comes around! Careful crossing the road mandy!

  4. Alternate option for the Etch-A-Sketch, since it’s got Magic Johnson on it…

    “Magic Johnson + Michael J Fox = Michael J Fox + AIDS.”

    Now THAT was tasteless!

  5. Ben, I think you take life too seriously. This is all in good fun so calm down. If you don’t like it don’t come to the site.
    God bless you, I wish you nothing but happiness in life.

  6. If what goes around comes around…I always wonder what the people who say that did to get stuck in the sh*t they’re in…

  7. Exactly! It’s like the people that say making fun of other people doesn’t make you feel better about yourself..those are the people usually getting made fun of!

  8. Funny, but mean, very mean. What if that afflicted you or someone close to you. Otherwise, I love your blog. 6-27-08.

  9. When did the world lose their sense of humour? “Oh noes! That’ll make people mad!” Piss off and learn to laugh or you’ll live a horrifying life.

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