Are you hungry?

A woman asks her husband, “Would you like some bacon and eggs? A slice of toast and maybe some grapefruit and coffee?”

He declines. “Thanks for asking, but I’m not hungry right now. It’s this Viagra,” he says. “It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.”

At lunchtime she again asked if he would like something. “How would you like a bowl of soup, homemade muffins, or a cheese sandwich?”

Again he declines. “The Viagra,” he says, “really trashes my desire for food.”

Come dinnertime, she asks if he wants anything to eat. “Would you like a juicy porterhouse steak and scrumptious apple pie? Or maybe a rotisserie chicken?”

He declines again. “Naw, still not hungry.”

“Well,” she says, “would you mind letting me up? I’m starving.”


Busy weekend

I have a busy weekend coming up.  An organization I belong to is having our 25th annual Mud Volleyball Tournament on Sunday.  The temperature is supposed to be near 100° F Saturday and Sunday. 

I have a few posts scheduled to pop up today and tomorrow.  Things should be back to normal on Monday.