The golfer and the cow

CowA man staggered into a hospital with a concussion, multiple bruises, two black eyes, and a five iron wrapped tightly around His throat.

 Naturally the doctor asked him, ” What happened to you ?”

 ” Well, I was having a quiet round of golf with my wife, when at a difficult hole, we both sliced our balls into a cow pasture.”

 “We went to look for them and while I was looking around I noticed one of the cows had something white at it’s rear end.”

 ” I walked over, lifted it’s tail, and sure enough, there was a golf ball with my wife’s monogram on it – stuck right in the middle of the cow’s butt “

 Still holding the cow’s tail up, I yelled to my wife, ” Hey, this looks like yours ! “

 ” I don’t remember much after that”.

Thanks Janet

The Vomit Comet

Vomit Comet is a nickname for any fixed-wing aircraft that briefly provides a nearly weightless environment in which to train astronauts, conduct research, and film motion pictures. Versions of such airplanes have in the past been operated by NASA Reduced Gravity Research Program, where the unofficial nickname originated. NASA has adopted the official nickname Weightless Wonder for publication. The aircraft achieves weightlessness by following an elliptic flight path relative to the center of the Earth.  While following this path, the aircraft and its payload are in free fall and are literally orbiting the earth. During this time the aircraft does not exert any g-forces on its contents.

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Why do dogs sniff each others butts?


Whether it is a new acquaintance or old one, they meet up and immediately run to the rear. Most people believe it is their way of saying “hello.“ However, this is a myth. Dogs sniff each other’s butts for a much deeper reason – to get to know one another.

Dogs have two anal glands in their rectums, which emit a strong scent. Dogs sniff each other’s butts in order to get a whiff of it. The aroma they smell gives them detailed information about the other dog.

The aroma emitted from a dog’s butt tells other dogs vital information about him. It tells his sex, health status and temperament. Therefore, on a first meeting, two unacquainted dogs know if they want to befriend each other or not. So what does that mean to us? It means we need to trust our dog’s instincts.

You must trust your pet dog’s initial feelings about another dog. If he doesn’t like him, it is probably for a good reason. The other dog didn‘t pass the sniff test. And remember, dogs are just like us. They don‘t like being forced into a relationship with another dog they hate. So let nature take its course. Let your dog choose his own friends because in the long run he knows best.

From via

Octoberfest in September

The 176th Oktoberfest started on Saturday the 19th, kicked off by Munich Mayor Christian Ude, tapping the first keg with a cry of “O’zapft is!”. With predictions of over 6 million visitors heading to Munich, the festival runs until October 4th. This year, a traditional liter of beer will cost visitors about 8 euros ($11.75).

Young women in traditional dirndl dresses pose with beer mugs at the Oktoberfest beer festival.

Top spin
Riders on the “Top-Spin” ride are suspended upside down during Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany on September 19th.

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Poor Doug

Doug sat at the bar drowning his sorrows — he’d had a bad day. First, his wife left him for a phys-ed teacher and he found his car had been keyed in the middle of the night. When he arrived at work, he was told his job had been made redundant and he was no longer needed. To top it all off, his doctor’s office called with his test results; Doug had herpes. Probably from the phys-ed teacher.

And so Doug was pounding shots of tequila between sobs. A man sitting at the other end of the bar watched him intently for a few minutes before weaving his way carefully to Doug’s stool.

“Buddy, you look like you’re having a hell of a day,” he slurred.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Doug replied, sniffling.

“Let me cheer you up,” the man said. “I want to show you something.”

The drunk man led Doug over to a window and pointed to the alley four floors below. He explained that the way the buildings were built allowed a thermal to rush up the alley whenever a subway train went by underground. This thermal, the man insisted, was so powerful that it would hold a man in the air and gently lower him to the ground as it dissipated.

“So basically, you’d feel like you were flying,” the man finished.

Doug expressed his disbelief and the man said he’d prove it. He waited until a train rumbled by and leaped out the window. Unbelievably, the man hovered serenely just outside the window before floating slowly toward the ground. As he regained his footing, he looked up at Doug and yelled, “Now you try it!”

Doug waited a few minutes until he could hear a train. He climbed up onto the window sill, took a deep breath, jumped… and plummeted to his death on the concrete below, screaming all the way.

A waitress happened to be walking by and poked her head out the window only to see the drunk man standing over Doug’s spattered remains, giggling to himself. She grimaced and called down to him, “Superman, you are SUCH a prick when you’re drinking.”
