Trimming the hedges

Trimming hedgesTwo Cambridge mates say they may turn their unusual method of trimming hedges into a business, after they suspended a ride-on mower from a crane to do the job.

“This is how the Waikato boys mow a hedge,” the ride-on mower operator told the Waikato Times.

The operator, who did not want to be named, is now nursing a broken hand, but said it wasn’t a fall from the mower that caused the injury but one off the crane.


Sunday Open Mic

Open micToday we’re celebrating our family Thanksgiving dinner.  We always had to work on Thanksgiving Day so we usually have our family get-together the weekend before or after the holiday.  That always left the kids to be with their spouses families on Thanksgiving.  This year we’re heading to Disney World on Thursday morning.  We’ll spend a few days there with my brother and his family.

 The turkey is in the oven where it’s been since 6:30 this morning.  The pies are baked the house cleaned and we’re ready for the twenty or so people we’re expecting today.

The rest of the day here is yours. 

Discuss whatever you like and have a great day!