Here you’ll find pictures and a little bit about the regular readers of Bits & Pieces.
You can add your picture and a little about you by sending it to
***** NOTICE *****
Alli writes: “Hi, I’m Alli, I live in New Zealand & work in a Governmental department. Bits & Pieces is one of only 3 websites that I check religiously, and I regularly show friends the funnier stuff :)”
What? You mean it’s not all funny stuff?
Amy writes: “This is cool. I want to play too.. Bits & Pieces is one of my fave blogs! It actually inspired me to start my own.”
Amy has a great blog. I borrow from it all the time.
He writes: “Me and my girls. I am 40 and grew up in Nikiski, Alaska now live in Post Falls, ID with my wife and 4 girls. ( A L N)
P. S. Jonco if you ever get over this way I will take you to our famous Hot Rod Cafe my treat.”
Aussie Rodney writes: “I’m from Canberra, Australia. Australian, married to Julie from Seattle. My main site is & I also have
And thank you for your blog. It’s been on my RSS reader ever since I figured out what an RSS is.”
Beerman and Big Mike AKA Box & Fungus
Beerman (Fungus, I think) writes: “Lunchbox and I are faithful readers EVERY day. Southwest Florida aka Hurricane Alley loves ya. Beerman and Big Mike aka LunchBox and Fungus www.
Look forward to you making your way back to Port Charlotte and we’ll beer ya! Keep up the good work.” And as their website says,” No we’re not gay.”
Brian writes: “I am Brian from Moncton, New Brunswick,Canada. I am a baker by trade and LOVE your site…I recommend it to all my co-workers.”
“I read ‘bits’ everyday as we call it at work. Just got out of the Marine Corps, living life in NH now, and I have the coolest little boy ever! Love tattoos and rock music.”
Christiaan25 is a Cardinal fan living in Cubland (Chicago, I assume)
Claudio writes: “I live in Newark, NJ, but I’m originally from Portugal. I’m moving there on Friday. I constantly visit Bits & Pieces like every 30 minutes via Google Reader. I can’t live without watching the hilarious vids and pics posted by Jonco. Once you start reading B&P, it becomes part of your daily routine. Great work Jonco! I’m really looking forward to future posts!”
Dan writes: “I’m a life-long geek, working with computers and advanced electronics for 30 years. I’m also a voracious reader, and blogs fill my need for content better than anything. I have a couple of my own blogs, one is a group blog: Rockhoppers Daily Grind and one is a photo blog: Bitterrroot Brakes” Also Dan’s:
Sending a picture of me with the Tucson, Arizona Wildcats mascot Wilbur. BEAR DOWN ARIZONA!!!
I’m the daughter of an actor back in the 70’s (which people may or may not remember) if you want to add something interesting as a caption to my picture. doesn’t really matter.
Love your site as always
Derek writes: “For info, I guess it’s worth mentioning that I live in the St. Louis area
and I’m a musician, librarian, and ordained minister.
Cool idea, by the way! Thanks!”
I’ve known Derek and his family since he was a baby…. and that was a looong time ago. He plays a mean guitar too…. and, all kinds of music.
Dustin writes: “My wife and I have been readers for a while now, although we rarely comment. I am a student in Kentucky (although moving to Nashville this fall) and soon to be Pharmacist. Feel free to check out my blog, PharmD To Be. Thanks for all the laughs.
Wow! She’s a beauty! Feel free to chime in on the comments any time.
He is 26 years old and lives in Mexico. He says he rarely comments but is a constant reader for a long time. He has a blog:Checkpoint. It’s in Spanish so I can’t read it.
Hallie sailing on a 62’ schooner
Hallie writes: “OMG i have been a fan forever, I followed you from blogspot!! I keep you in my google reader so I know when you have posted something new! I am from Connecticut, I am 35 and I love to sail! I have been an instructor of years! Thanks for the posts!! I even have my own blog at www.itsallabouthallie.
She writes: “I’m Helena, from Guatemala. 18 years old. an old time reader but rarely a commenter.
I’ve got my own blog as well.
I love your site, thanks for posting :)”
Infidel writes: “Its me Infidel, I really dont like this pic its about a year old my arms and shoulders look much better now as I work out more,a BIG thanks to you Jonco for this great website I have soo much fun here,yes she give me a lei..HA!”
He writes: “I am 19 years old and a firefighter you could probably tell from the picture. Me and my Girlfriend read Bits and Pieces everyday. It’s like what we do as soon as we get home from school or work. We have been viewing the site since you started it on the old web page. I actually first visited after your 3rd or 4th post. Always look forward to the site. Turns a bad day good usually!”
He writes: “I have been visiting your site for a little over a year and I check it out every day-I haven’t commented much, but I am an avid fan!
I’m 38, from Amarillo Texas, I have 4 dogs (2 Dachshunds, an American Foxhound and a dachshund/Pit Bull mix-she looks like a weenie dog on steroids!) and I love a good laugh like the ones I always get at Bits &
Pieces! I have a blog where I keep track of all the sweepstakes that I have won over the years at http://www.pointclickwin.
John V
John writes: “A fond memory was spending time with my horse Rojo. He was a wonderful horse. I spent 10 years as a Mounted Officer in Forest Park before going onto bigger and better things with the St Louis Police Department.
I almost always start the day on your sight because you scour the web so I don’t have to.“
John V
St Louis, Mo.
King writes: “I’m Howard, I play a little music, have a little fun, work as a computer geek, and I run a little website called I really enjoy YOUR site, Jonco – and I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.
Dare I say it….you DA MAN!!”
He writes: “Hi, thought I’d better add myself to the Rogue’s Gallery. I’ve been coming here daily for the last year or more, made a few comments but mostly I just read.
My name is Matt, but you’ll find me in your comments (and around the internet) as Maffu. I’m from Birmingham, England, I make websites, design for web and print, write Photoshop tutorials for my website, give away stock photography at SXC (
When I’m not doing that I work in IT in a school for children (11-17) with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Oh, and my url is
Thanks for entertaining me.
I’m MCW from Alaska, I work at a large sports facility in Anchorage. Here is a “Face in Hole” picture of my unfortunate face, stuck on a WWII bomber pilot’s body.
Mike Firesmith
Mike is from Georgia. Mike is a writer and has many articles here.
Miss Cellania
Miss C writes: “Full-time blogger. I have two sites, Miss Cellania and Miss C Recommends. I also work for YesButNoButYes, Neatorama, and mental_floss.”
She’s from Kentucky and has some great posts on her site(s). (She links to B&P fairly often, so she has to be good.)
He writes: “Hey Jonco, what’s up? Here’s the first mugshot from a german reader.
I am enjoying B&P for quite a while now, so here goes my “contribution”. I’m 25 and apparently, B&P has got half our company reading your blog.
I enjoy it because it’s one of the few sites where actually have a mixture of quality and humor – not all offer both.
Keep up the good work and let me know when you plan on going to Germany, drinks are on me.”
All the best, ~ Klotzi
NoNameDufus, aka John B, writes: “Love Bits and Pieces. It’s a daily stop for me. I’m from Aylmer, Quebec across the river from Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s capital, eh? If you’re in the neighbourhood, stop by and visit me at http://nonamedufus.blogspot.
Omar writes: “ I’m from Panama City in Central America, not Panama City, Florida. I love to blog, married to the same woman for 28 years, as pets I have two goldfish. Love to walk aimlessly at the beach. I’m addicted to Bits & Pieces.
Attached is a photograph of me. Sorry about the size. It’s the only one handy.
My Blog: Epiac’s Place”

Just to say I really love Bits & Pieces… it’s fun and –I don’t know exactly how- a great exercise for peace and friendship.
Here’s me… and my sweet rubber duckie. — Diego
Saza writes: “I saw your B&P reader mugshots and I just want to be involved with this. I’ve been a B&P fan since last year, I don’t post comment much but hope you can remember me XD. B&P is the reason why I want to start my own blog ‘Bittersweet Poetry’ (sorry if the name sounds familiar but I just can’t think of a better name than this, it’s a name of Kanye West’s song.) Hope you will visit my blog sometimes I didn’t mean to use your blog to promote mine so you don’t have to mention it, it’s up to you.
I’m 24 and come from Thailand but now working in Singapore as a landscape architect.
Thanks & nice to meet U.”
I’m an 22 year old artist/conspiracy theorist who was raised on bedtime stories about aliens and bigfoot. I read bitsandpieces pretty obsessively, and have my own blog , but its boring and self obsessed and no one reads it anyways.

I bet you never grew up knowing you were going to be a Muse!
Keep it up, pal. Tell your boss *I* said you deserve a raise!
(Here’s the mugshot – Jack is on the right, William to the left)”
Su writes: “Hi I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time already… I’m more of a lurker than a commentor… I’m 21; working as a photographer and hope to enroll in Uni next year. Oh yeah I live in singapore…
I’ve a blog somewhere too I think… http://taintedhybrid.

Todd from
I read your site everyday and forward the funnies I feel are forwarded. Everyone thinks I’m on the net all day long. If they only knew. My name is Tricia from Katy, Tx……and I’m an addict.
WooHoo is from New Jersey… exit 17 to be exact… unless you’re coming from the other direction. Then it’s exit 15. Age unknown.
ROF WooHoo’s picture cracks me up
this page has been under construction how long now? o.o
Groovy job! One of the more intelligent blogs out there. Better than “Unique” which uses bacon every chance he gets – how irritating is that?? Do not link this blog! Anyways, again, groovy job! See my vids at They are all originals of mine. Hopefully you can use some of those for you site. Hoping for you to use the Friday the 13th vid, April 17th vid and my more recent Nuclear Red Sky vid. Enjoy! And Thanks for the intelligent reading:)
Deborah – Well now I’m curious!…
Easy DJ, down boy. Leave some females for the rest of us guys.
I figured it out, check out her eyes. That is the only hint I will give you.
Klaw – I count two. Well that narrows it down.
joncoooooooooooooooooo more picssssssssssssssssss
I was surfing the web for some interesting stuff, when I came here.. Been here ever sense, no eviction Notice yet, so I’ll stay till someone finds out I don’t pay rent,,