The Testicle Cookbook

Testicle cookbook

The Testicles Cookbook – Cooking with Balls is a multimedia cookbook complete with how-to videos on cooking testicles. Including Testicle Pizza, Testicle Goulash and Testicles in White Wine. Written by Serbian Testicles chef, Ljubomir Erovic.



Toaster printer


This is real folks…. though not yet available.

  The Scan Toaster connects to a PC over USB and downloads everything from local weather conditions and the current time to the morning’s news headlines.

Inside the toaster is a network of toasting “modules”, each heated by a hot wire. Each module can move by 30° and, once the user selects what they want on their toast – excluding a topping, of course – the modules align themselves and burn the appropriate content onto the bread.

The appliance is a finalist in design competition run by manufacturer Electrolux and designer Sung Bae Chang said he got the idea whilst – you guessed it – making some toast.

No plans to manufacture the toaster on a mass scale have popped up yet.

Link to story


How can anyone live like this?

Somebody needs to kick the habit.

The top of the pizza boxes…. still room to stack stuff.

The guest room  awaits.

A place to sit.

A place to shit.

Here are more pics of this disgusting place if you dare.

Thanks Donald

Washing up

Washing machine
Daredevil escape artist Rick Meisel has been performing the world’s cleanest escape act for years for TV shows and audiences around the world. For this stunt the escape artist risks drowning and a battering as he works his way out of six pairs of handcuffs and two leg irons while spinning in a suds-filled washing machine. Meisel admitted to having surgery in order to fit into the machine.

From via