
NextstopNextstop is a community effort to build a catalog of all the best things to do, places to go, and experiences to try anywhere in the world. Their long term goal is to help you find something great to get out and do – whatever you are interested in, whatever language you speak, and wherever you are.

Nextstop makes it easy to discover new and interesting experiences through short, positive, recommendations from people all around the world. You can get a quick snapshot of a place from the photo and recommendation, or browse a guide to get a sense of places you’d like to explore.


On the road again…

JmCartooncarA friend and I are going to be traveling to Paragould Arkansas today to visit with another friend from our youth.  It’s about a 4 hour drive each way.

 I have a full day’s worth of posts that should show up sporadically during the day.

Y’all be careful out there!

A hound the world in 80 days

Oscar2Oscar, a mutt from a pound, did a world-wide tour of 29 countries, taking in the famous sights of each place.

The $250,000 seven month World Woof Tour mirrored the famous journey of Phileas Fogg in Around The World In 80 Days.  Oscar’s owner Joanne Lefson, 38, from Johannesburg, got Oscar from a South African shelter.  She sold her home to pay for the trip and highlight the plight of stray dogs. 

They say Oscar enjoyed the trip and even left his mark on the Great Wall of China.

Oscar1 Oscar3 Oscar4 Click on any picture to enlarge.

Link to story and more pictures

Thanks Janet.

Above the clouds at sunset

Cloud cover at sunset
This was shortly after takeoff from Tampa after we broke through the heavy cloud cover.  You can see the sun setting in the west as we head back to St. Louis.  Click to enlarge the pictures.



Off to Florida

Airplane1rgbI’m off to Port Charlotte Florida to visit my aunt this morning.  I have a few posts set to appear.  I’ll be posting from Florida if possible.

Y’all be careful out there!

Death by Disney

The last full day began at Epcot.  We took the monorail to the Floridian Hotel for a quick look-see and then to the Magic Kingdom and did a few more rides and shows and had lunch there.  Then we monorailed back to the EPCOT and a few more fun things and finally dinner in Norway.  After dinner we said our goodbyes to my brother and his family and returned to our hotel to collapse.

Nowegian Troll
Me and a rather large friend at a shop in the Norway area of EPCOT. 

BTW: EPCOT stands for Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow… or Every Person Comes Out Tired.

Giant Gingerbread House
My niece and her daughter stand in front of this giant gingerbread house made of real gingerbread at the Floridian Hotel.  Rooms there start at $400 a night.  I didn’t stay there.


A good time was had by all.