Sunday open mic

OPEN MICHere’s where you can talk about anything you want.


      Just keep it sorta clean.

      Keep your pictures small

Have a great day!

Sticky post

Sunday Open Keyboard

It’s your turn to talk about anything you want. 

I’ll be traveling home today and have a birthday party to attend this afternoon, so I won’t be able to post much until late in the day.


Stand up close to your keyboard and type away. 

And… remember…. the spelling Nazi are out there.


Sunday open mic – Favorite sites

PC open mic2Larry suggested that on the next open mic we ask the readers to submit 3 of their favorite bookmarks (websites) for the rest of us to check out.  Sounds good to me.  But here are a couple of rules: 

    1) Don’t post Bits & Pieces or Bits of Wisdom.  
    2) You can’t post something that someone has already posted.

You can also talk about anything else you want.

Stand up close and type real clearly.