Saturday website update

OK, let’s try out this template and see how it works. I think there are too many “Bits & Pieces” in the first three sections. I’ll work on trying to figure out how to remove one or two, but haven’t been able to yet. This PHP language is all new to me.

Thanks to MataRatas for the logo background.

Stay tuned…

Website update

Well, things seem to be slowly getting back to normal here. I’m toying with the idea of a different template. I don’t know that I need 3 columns. I like to post larger pictures… some here are being cut off depending on what size monitor and/or window you’re using. I’m assuming most peole have a 17 inch or large monitor. I’m using two 19 inch monitors here, but I have a sidebar (that displays my bookmarks) open almost all the time, so that cuts down on page size.

So, just to warn you, things might be changing a little down the road. I’m also trying to get my Adsense ads working here. Gotta keep those funds coming in. Someone also suggested I put up a PayPal donation button, so I might try that too.

Thanks for hanging in there with me through the ordeal with the old site. And thanks to those who have helped spread the word about the move to the new URL. Folks like Kev at Nothing to Do With Abroath and the ever charming Miss Cellania just to name a couple that I know of.

As always… stay tuned.