Comment notifier problem solved

… I think it’s solved anyway….

If you’ve been slammed by email from B&P it’s because a little check-box in the comment area was checked by default so you’d get an email whenever someone added a comment to that particular post.  I believe I have corrected the problem.  I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

B&P hits 15 million pageviews

Probably at about 4 pm today Bits and Pieces hit it’s 15 millionth page view.  This is the new B&P that I started at the end of January 2008.  So in about 22 months we’ve had 15 million pageviews.

15 mil
These stats are as of 5:20 pm today Central Standard time.

Bits of Wisdom is doing quite well too, thanks mainly to one post that got a record 82,000+ hits on one day. It’s dropped off from that massive number to a very respectable 19,000 daily average. Not bad since it started in August of this year.

The old Bits and Pieces still gets about 1,500 hits a day on average and I haven’t updated it in 22 months.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for all your interest!

B&P heatmap

This is how people see the B&P website and which areas are getting most of the attention. This artificial intelligence service simulates human vision during the first 5 seconds of exposure to visuals. 

Heat Image BP

heatmap report information includes:
* Heatmap color – The more intense the color (from blue to red), the more interest the viewer is.
* Hotspots – Fixations – Regions of interest. The circles represent the focal points and their size.
* Hotspots Order – The number next to the circle, represent the order in which the eyes move.
* Gaze Saccades – The lines represent the movements of the eyes between hotspots.
* Which areas are being ignored. If there is no color or circle in an area, that section has no interest.

By Fen-GUI


B&P problems

Technical-difficultiesI’ve been having troubles posting and accessing B&P today.  I assume you’re having the same problem.   Hopefully it’ll clear up  before too long.

Sorry for the trouble.

2009 Weblog Awards nominations begin today

WeblogsThe 2009 Weblog Awards are the world’s largest blog competition. The 2009 edition is now fully underway.

The nomination process for The 2009 Weblog Awards began today and will run through November 20, 2009.

Click here to see the master list of categories where you can nominate your favorite blogs.

Start nominating your favorite sites, and start spreading the word about nominations opening!

There are many categories you can nominate a blog for, including:  Best Blog, and Best Humor Blog

B&P would even qualify for Best Very Large Blog because B&P has a Blog Authority Score (I didn’t know what it was either) of 682.

Bits of Wisdom would qualify for the Best Hidden Gem because it doesn’t even have a Blog Authority Score.

Know any good blogs you’d like to nominate?

Another record day on BOW

Bow chartThe thrill ride continues at Bits of Wisdom. 

Yesterday we broke the record with 82,718 page views.  I keep expecting it to slow down, but it’s still growing.

Correction:  A few days ago I mentioned that BOW was averaging 7,000 – 8,000 page views a day before the current wave of hits.  I was looking at the wrong data.  It was only averaging 600–700 page views a day.

Make sure your seat belts are fastened, and your seat-backs and tray tables are in the full upright position.   Enjoy the flight!

BOW WOW! Bits of Wisdom – 72,038 hits yesterday

Landing in the number one spot in StumbleUpon’s Top Rated list will do amazing things for a website.  That’s what happened yesterday.  This morning we’re down to the fourth spot on the list.

Bits of Wisdom garnered 72,038 hits yesterday.  Most of that came from one post.  I’m expecting it to die down in a couple of days.  Hopefully we will have picked up a few new regular visitors from the spike.

I sort of hope it dies down in a few days or I’ll have to come up with a different hosting plan.  But I guess I’d find a way to make it work. 

As you’ve no doubt noticed I’ve rearranged the ads on B&P and late last night I put some ads on BOW.  I can already tell a big difference.  I was averaging $2–$3 a day in ad revenues.  Just by moving the ads around I made over $14 yesterday. I guess it’s true what they say… Location, location, location!

Bits of Wisdom is down

I just got off the phone with my ISP.  It seems a post I made there has gotten over 30,000 hits today and it’s overwhelming their servers.  So they took BOW down and are migrating it to a different server. This could take up to 24 hours.  The post has been getting over 10,000 hits a day for a few days.

 I know the post (Perception) was popular because of all the comments it was generating.  I just didn’t realize it was that popular.  It’s a YouTube video of one of the nations best musicians, a violinist who is playing music at the train station in Washington D.C. at rush hour.  It’s an experiment about the reaction passerbys have to the music.

This is the video that caused all the trouble.


  BOW is now back online.  And I was mistaken, there wasn’t even a video there.  It was just a story about this guy and the experiment.  Somebody big must have picked this up.  I’m not sure what to do about it though.  If the traffic continues they’ll take me down again and make me get a dedicated server.  I might have to delete the post.  It would be one thing if I was doing that traffic every day, but I’m averaging 7,0008,000 600-700 hits a day until this thing hit.  Yesterday it got 29,250 and so far today we’re at 31,125.   I guess I’ll just have to watch it and see what it does the next few days.  I have 30 days to “fix it”.

Blog advertising advice

I’ve been thinking about changing the ads on this website.  I’m just not happy with the revenues from Google Adsense.  It seems my page views and unique visitors have gone up, yet my ad revenues have gone down.  (They weren’t that high to start with)

A few stats for the last 30 days:

  • 991,327 pageviews  (That’s almost a million!)
  • 279,555 unique visitors
  • 51.19% New visits
  • Google pagerank 5/10

I’m not exactly sure the significance of all of those numbers, but I get the impression that they’re pretty good numbers. 

So, I’m asking for some advice from bloggers (or those who know) on a couple things: 

  •  How much should I charge for ads?
  • Best ad sizes and locations (one place recommended 125X125 pixel ads)
  • Selling ideas (besides just placing “Advertise here” link on B&P)
  • Any other suggestions

I thinking about doing the adwork myself and would rather not use an ad broker.

Any input would be appreciated.  You can contact me at: [email protected]