Happy Birthday B&P – Still fun after all these years!

Happy birthday1Way back on March 31, 2002, the first Welcome to Bits & Pieces post appeared.  Posting was sporadic then.  as a matter of fact the first content post wasn’t until April 3rd of that year.  2004 only had a few posts all year, one of which on August 12th, was the first post to have an image in it.  It wasn’t until March of 2005 that I got serious about posting regularly.  (I just noticed that some of those early post’s images are not showing up now. I believe they may be lost for good.)

Well, eight years and 24,655 posts later brings us to today.  It was on January 28, 2008 that B&P moved to it’s own domain that you see today.

 Thanks to all the other bloggers without whom this blog would be all about Gus and Charlotte and hundreds more pictures overlooking the river.  And thanks to you, the loyal readers, some who have been here for years, and to the newest readers who have just discovered B&P.

A special thanks to the readers who comment and have turned B&P into a worldwide little neighborhood.  You make doing Bits and Pieces still fun after all these years!

The comment is too short thing….

Several people have asked about the notice they get when their comment is too short.  I’ve answered it in the comments but the peoples keep on askin’.

The comments are now run through a comment spam filter. I guess it doesn’t think really short comments like “LOL” are valid comments. (I’m really not sure how long a comment has to be to not see that message.) The plugin does such a great job of eliminating hundreds of spam comments every day that I want to keep using it. I hope it’s not too inconvenient for you guys. It really helps me out a lot. Thanks for understanding.

User comment editing test

I’m trying out a plugin that allows the user (you) to Edit a comment after you hit the Submit Comment button.  You’re given 5 minutes to edit your comment, then it becomes locked.

You can also request that your post be deleted.  If you hit that button a dialog box comes up and asks you why you want to delete it.  After you answer, the post is removed and sent to the administrator for moderation.  Then I can remove the post permanently for you.

If all works well and it doesn’t conflict with other plugins I’ll add it to the other sites too.

Hopefully this will make little Mike F. happy.   🙂

First week stats for Bad Bits

Here are the stats for the first week of Bad Bits.  It went live about 2 pm last Friday and I took this stat snapshot about 8 pm this Friday night (tonight), so trechnically it’s a few hours over from Friday to Friday.  But if you count all the down time it’s probably a fair estimate for the first week.


Bad Bits is down

Bad Bits is down at the present time.  I checked my control panel and had the message that the site ”has been disabled as the possible cause of server instability”. 

So I called tech support and they told me they’re working on that particular server.  They said it wasn’t my site causing the problem. 

 Hopefully it’ll be back up soon.

J-Walk proposes a meeting

JwalkJohn Walkenbach, author and blogger extraordinaire over at J-Walk blog, has proposed a meeting over pizza when he visits St. Louis next month. 

Sounds like fun.

He’s gonna try to get me drunk and squeeze some blogging secrets out of me. 

 He even posted a pic of me on Mel’s bike.

Announcing Bad Bits

BadBits1I’m pleased to announce a new member of the Bits & Pieces family…. 
Bad Bits.  It was quite the dilemma getting it up and running, but it’s finally here.

While scouring for Bits and Pieces and Bits of Wisdom I was running across things that were terribly funny but inappropriate for the audience that these sites had developed. 

Bad Bits carries some of the more offbeat, irreverent, disgusting, gross, sick, sexual stuff that isn’t found on our other sites.  Bad Bits is probably NSFW, unless you work at home or in a unique kind of environment.  I realize it won’t be for everyone and that’s understandable.  It will lean towards the humorous but won’t always be funny.  You can read about the efforts getting it up and running on the About Bad Bits page.

Thanks for supporting B&P and BoW the way you have.  I hope you enjoy Bad Bits.

Keep in mind that first-time comments are held for moderation, but once they’re approved your comments should go up right away. 

 Check it out…  Bad Bits

New comment spam filtering

I’m trying out a new comment spam filtering plugin for WordPress.  It’s called WP-SpamFree.  When I logged on this morning I had more than 600 spam comments just from overnight. There seem to be a lot more the last few days.   WP-SpamFree promises to virtually eliminate comment spam, especially bot generated spam and not delete real comments.  If it works I will gladly make a donation to their coffers.

So, let me know if your comments aren’t showing up.  Keep in mind that first-time commenters and comments with questionable language or comments more than a couple links in them will automatically be held for moderation by me.