Sticky Posts

Sticky postI’ve installed a plug-in that allows me to have a post stay at the top of the page.  I’ve made the Open Mic post a sticky post.  I’ll change it back to normal tomorrow.  I’m not exactly sure where it will go tomorrow, but I assume it will go back to where it was originally (chronographically) in the page.

Open Mic Sunday

OPEN MICRun across anything you thought was funny or interesting lately that you haven’t seen here?  Give us a link.

Is there a joke that really made you laugh?

Talk about anything you want today. 

Sticky post

Banned #1

Well, I knew it would happen sooner or later.  Actually I’m surprised it took this long.  I banned someone for the first time tonight. He was not contributing in any positive way, just being an ass.  He had left maybe 8 comments and only in one of those he wasn’t being a complete jerk.  It was a one word comment at that.

 I wasn’t even sure how to do it, so I looked for a plugin that would ban someone and lo and behold there it was.  I banned his I.P. address.  That doesn’t mean he can’t log in from somewhere else I guess, but if he does and is the ass that he was, I’ll ban him again.

B&P chat

We’ve tried two different B&P chat services.  I haven’t spent too much time on either one.  I can see advantages and disadvantages to both.

 Are you guys using it?  Should I keep one or the other?  Should I look for a different one?  Or should we forget about it all together? 

What do you think? Majority rules.

Get your own Poll!


B&P Shirts are ready

If you ordered a Bits & Pieces T-shirt, I have it ready for you.

BP Shirt Artwork

Prices are: 

  • S-XL- $10
  • 2X – $12
  • 3X – $14

There is a $3 charge for first class postage.  By the time I buy packaging and pay PayPal to handle the transaction, I might profit 50 cents if I’m lucky.

I will be emailing those that ordered shirts with instructions on how to pay for them.

Except… I screwed up KLAW’s order.  I forgot to add him to the master list.  So, I’m going to make another order very soon. 

If you didn’t order one and would like to, I need to know now!  Send me an email with size and color and I’ll add them to this last order.

Open Mic Sunday

Open micHere’s your chance to talk about anything you like.  Or you can paste a link to something you found funny somewhere else.

We’re off on a ride to Waverly IL to visit some high school friends we haven’t seen in almost 40 years.


Waverly is just Southwest of Springfield IL.  By car it’s about 2 hours from my house.  On motorcycles it’ll be about 2.5 hours.  We stop every hour or so for a butt break.

B&P Chat

Chat logo2Many people have had problems logging into the B&P chat, including me, that I set up the other day.  It worked perfect the first day, but I couldn’t log in again using Firefox.  It worked with Internet Explorer, but I prefer using Firefox.

Vancouver Girl sent along a link that gets you there.  It seems to work for me so I updated the widget and just put a link in the B&P Chat box near the top of the right sidebar.  So give that a try.  You can click on a button to set your username and then it should remember it for future sessions.

Enter B&P Chat

Thanks Vancouver Girl

B&P Chat test

By popular request, I’ve uploaded a widget for live chatting.  It can be found on the sidebar on the right side of the screen near the top.  I’m not sure how it will work but it seems to work and appears easy to use. 

Just click the ”Click to Chat”  button and the chat window will open up.  I think you can click on a button to set your username and then it should remember it for future sessions.  Give it a try.

I’ll be on later tonight after I visit my aunt and get a bite to eat to see if anybody is there and how it’s working.

I been bein’ busy

Sorry for the lower number of posts the last few days.  Life has been very hectic the last week or so.  So much has been happening I can hardly keep up.  But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Not sure how much I’ll get to post this weekend, but I’m going to Florida on Tuesday (for a few days) so I’ll get caught up while there.

I’ll probably have an open mic on Sunday….. ‘cause I’ll be partying most of the day.