Mown-a Lisa

Mowna lisa

Tania Ledger from Croydon in south London employed a 3D art expert who reconstructed the famous painting for the The Da Vinci Code film to do the same in her garden.

Mowna lisa2

Chris Naylor took two days to replicate Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece in grass, using a small lawnmower and a handful of garden tools.

The design will grow out within a few weeks but Mrs Ledger, 48, says that is what made the project so exciting.

“It’s like a hair cut – if you don’t like it you can grow it out and you can try out as many new looks as you like,” she said.

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3D gifs made from old photos

Joshua Heineman has some great animated GIF’s that are taken from old photos that were taken with cameras that had two lenses. The original effect was to be used with a special viewer that allowed the person viewing the images to see them with a special viewer which had one for each eye. This gave the photos a 3D feel to them and were very effective. Josh’s solution is simple but effective. The two images are placed into a two frame GIF and played over and over repeatedly. They look a bit jerky at first the effect is clearly visible.



Extreme ironing

Extreme Ironing is an extreme sport and a performance art in which people take an ironing board to a remote location and iron a few items of clothing. Extreme ironing combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt.




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