Welcome to Bits & Pieces!
Bits & Pieces is where the funny, amazing, and thought-provoking come together. It’s a spot to find the best bits from around the web — no endless scrolling required. You might not love every post, and that’s okay! The variety is what makes it special. Hopefully, there’s plenty here to keep you smiling, thinking, and coming back for more.
A Little History Bits & Pieces was started by Jon ‘Jonco’ Heacock, from St. Louis, back in 2002. He wanted to share the cool stuff he found online without flooding his friends’ inboxes. Inspired by J-Walk’s Blog, he launched Bits & Pieces on Blogger so his friends could pop in whenever they felt like it.
What began as a casual hobby turned into a daily passion. Over time, the blog grew, with posts catching the eye of sites like Digg and Boing Boing. As more people discovered Bits & Pieces, it became even more fun for Jonco to keep it going. In 2007, he added Google ads to the site as an experiment and was pleasantly surprised when it brought in a little extra cash — proof that people loved what he was sharing.
After Jonco’s passing on December 28, 2021, his daughter, Kris “Krisgo,” took over Bits & Pieces to keep his legacy alive. For three years, she managed the blog as a labor of love, balancing it with a full-time job and a busy life. She even added her own spin with the ‘Friday Bits Dance Party’, ‘Jonco’s Journal,’ and ‘Patco’s Travels’ keeping things fresh while honoring the blog’s roots.
Now, as Krisgo hands the reins to the new caretaker, Mike Winfrey, Bits & Pieces heads into its next chapter.
[Mike’s info and plans]
The blog is still the same delightful corner of the internet Jonco dreamed up – it’s ready to keep bringing joy, laughs, and little treasures to its readers.
Thanks for stopping by…. and come back often.
Jonco, Krisgo, and Mikeco
Love the site. Check me out and add me to your blogroll if you like.
Congrats on the new site. You are a survivor!! I like your idea of widening the column, but I’ll still be here if you don’t. Your sense of humor is erriely like mine. You have yet to post something that doesn’t bring a smile or laugh. Keep it up.
Glad I stumbled upon your site. A fun stop along the way.
Great blog! Reminds me of the days of getting stoned while working at Pantera’s Pizza. Party on dude.
Your blog is awesome. I have it saved in my favorites at work, and your blog is the first thing I read every morning! It wakes me up, and gets me started for the day. Keep it up!
I was just browsing google images and noticed your website. I will definately bookmark it because i always wanted to create a blog like this one. Great job!
I visit your site regularly…keep up the good work!
Dear Jon,
Just discovered your site. Fantastic! I already used the Life that Matters piece from AmyOop for a newsletter inspiration in my Rotary Club bulletin. I will be back to explore often!
But I, too, have a bit of a problem displaying your masthead. I see “Bits & Pieces,” and “We scour the web so you don’ ” — that’s all of your slogan. I’m using IE Explorer 7 on my 2002 HP Pavilion with its 15″ monitor. I have had no trouble viewing normally everything else that I’ve ever wanted. If this is unsolvable, that’s OK as everything else on your site seems to show up fine.
Thanks for a funny, valuable and very interesting website!
I stumbled onto you via another commenting site.
Now I know where to come when I need a good laugh.
Your stuff is therapeutic-funny! Thanks.
hey there, you have a very nice website, i just started a small new blog and i wanted to ask you which plugin you use to show images like you do now? i search through the whole wordpress website but couldnt find any, please help. thanks.
Hey Jonco!
I L-O-V-E the site(s). Great jokes/photos.
Don’t change because it’s wonderful.
And I want you to show your viewers thisissand.com!
Very interesting.
I just want to say that I love your blogg and the pics/photos.
You really light up my days here in Sweden.
Many thanks.
Thanks for the Humor. Say can you send to my mail?
This site is really got cool stuff on it. You’re bookmarked!
Another site I like for reviews and other commentary is http://www.fromwhereistand.info This guy takes no prisoners…
Keep up the good work and fun!
Love the blog. What do you think of mine?
I’ve just started blogging. I think I’ll visit here quite often. Is that Okay?
Sara, Of course it’s alright. Good luck on your blog.
The best site on the net!
Hi Jonco,
Everything ok? The site disappeared for a couple of days – I had to entertain myself!
Jonco – How do I upload a thumbnail pic like others when I leave a comment?
You can email me with instructions if you’d like.
-Crazy Charlie
The little white silhouette thing just doesn’t get it for me. I want it to be a little more personable.
To create your own avatar (your picture on comments) click the link below and follow the directions:
Crazy Charlie,
Go to http://en.gravatar.com/ and sign up. Then upload a picture, it should be a few minutes before your new avatar pops up.
You find the funniest stuff! Thanks for the smiles.
brilliant site
Saves me soooooo much work
Lots of things that I lmao at
Do you have an e-mail feed like LOLCats or FAILBlog? I’d like to keep up with your entries, but there are so very many great sites that I’d like to check every day…
Owen, No I don’t.
Love this site. Also READ MY BLOG. or don’t