12 thoughts on “1st and 2nd Amendments”

  1. Interesting…”Palin-McCain sign.” Freudian slip? Wishful thinking? I do wonder, though how may Mccain signs have been stolen or vandalized vs. the Obama signs.

  2. Around here (LA area), the Obama signs get stolen or defaced. I had a “McCain–Bush’s Third Term” bumper sticker stolen from my car bumper. It’s interesting, because we ran out of the free signs from the campaign (at the Democratic Center where I volunteer), and had to pay to get some printed locally to meet the demand. The McCain people are giving away their signs, but the Obama supporters are paying $10 each for theirs. Doesn’t speak well for McCain supporters, does it?

  3. Ok, so either this McPalin supporter is threatening to shoot someone, possibly killing them, for stealing a piece of laminated paper or he/she is threatening to educate the thiefs about a document he/she just heard of called “the constitution.” Based on what I’ve seen from the typical McPalin supporter, neither would surprise me.

  4. How do they know they’re Obama supporters. Maybe they’re Ron Paul supporters, or maybe they’re non-english speaking illegal aliens that are just cleaning the streets and thought the sign was trash.

  5. I had the opposite happen. Someone put a “sign” (large Fed-Ex packaging sticker) on the side of my car to cover up my Obama sticker.

  6. Us conservatives need to just wait and the liberals will become extinct eventually;
    1) They are the ones who are killing their own (abortion)
    2) Sooner or later, AIDS will take it’s toll on some of the others (I don’t have to go into detail here)
    and 3) If a “civil” war erupts, guess who has all the guns that they’re futilely trying to get rid of? (They’ll never get mine)
    -we win.


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