Joe Biden says, “Stand up Chuck”

Sen. Joe Biden, D-Delaware, told Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham to stand up. Graham couldn’t do it.  Graham is confined to a wheelchair.

Chuck graham
MO State Senator Chuck Graham

I know this kind of thing could happen to anyone, but it’s still funny.

7 thoughts on “Joe Biden says, “Stand up Chuck””

  1. LOL well, I guess that means the chance of accidentally cutting ourselves is lowered then eh? A dull knife is a safe knife? Or maybe we just need a gun with safety controls….a wolverine protecting her young would be much cooler though.

  2. This is funnier and funnier each and every time I see or hear it. The only thing funnier would have been the Messiah saying it… really feeding into his Messiah complex. “The Lord Barrack Obama commands you, stand up Chuck! Stand up!” Ha ha ha.

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