The 8 Most Obnoxious Internet Commenters


Under every video on YouTube or Break, and under every story on Digg or even right here on Cracked, there is a mini-culture that forms down in the comment section. The hit-and-run nature of the comments means it’s fertile ground for some really annoying personalities to thrive.

These are the eight commenter personality types you’d most like to avoid, but can’t because they’re freaking everywhere.

This was interesting.  Many of the B&P commenters fit nicely into some of these categories.


3 thoughts on “The 8 Most Obnoxious Internet Commenters”

  1. You care about stupid commenters when someone clearly not qualified is going to lead America?

    btw, looks like I’m kind of a Science Ninja:)

  2. Search google for flame warriors. It lists just about every kind of personality on the internet with great descriptions. It’s also pretty funny and accurate.

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