You just never know….

Watch the man on the left walking, crossing the road where there is no car.
It is so definite that the coast on the left is clear, and safe to cross. Any person would see it is safe….

Pedestrian crash
Traffic cam footage

Take nothing for granted, not even for a split second! Be grateful for every living minute.

Thanks Ronnie

Update: For those of you who don’t read the comments, the guy survived. Details here

57 thoughts on “You just never know….”

  1. “Take nothing for granted, not even for a split second! Be grateful for every living minute.”

    Wow, what a great clip ruined by faggoty writing. Try to be a little more cornier less time, I can barely feel myself being inspired.


    I’ve seen this one on a couple different TV shows. You can’t tell from the video, but the part of the vehicle which rolls over him was indented enough from the collision with another car that it formed a pocket of safety – he escaped with only minor cuts and bruises

  3. YOU All have It Wrong, this video originally was shown on “COPS” and has been in their training films on how to properly do a Pit Maneuver, and take out the local crack/meth head/dealer. A part of the New Multi tasking Training films for Super Cops.

  4. Pingback: car accident story
  5. I totally see it differently than how Snopes has reported it, and I think Snopes got it wrong.

    I think the SUV from the right ran the red light, and this is why:

    1) What are the chances that both the PT Cruiser and the pedestrian are running the red light at the same time?
    2) If you are the pedestrian crossing on a red light, why would you not pay attention to the cross traffic?
    3) If you are the SUV driver, why would you not slow down for the pedestrian?
    4) The reason why the station wagon is stopped it’s because the driver is waiting for the pedestrian to cross.
    5) The reason why the group of cars across the intersection stop is because the front cars see the SUV running the light and stop; you can even see the fronts of the front cars in the group bounce back up due to harder stopping.
    6) I think you can see the green light of the signal for the PT Cruiser in the background.

    Therefore, I think the PT Cruiser had the green light and Snopes is wrong, which is a more logical explanation for the accident.

    What do you think?

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