Silence of the Lambs optical illusion


Now look closely at the moths head in the picture.   Below is a close-up.


The skull was taken from the Salvador Dali Portrait which features nude women arranged in such a way to make the outline of a skull.


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9 thoughts on “Silence of the Lambs optical illusion”

  1. “that’s cause the descent was such a shitty movie”

    Are you nuts? That was a great movie. It had great pacing, interesting backstory, good characterization, the score was perfect, the cinematography was gorgeous and haunting, and it had at least 2 non-monster-related jump-out-of-your-skin moments.

    Everything just worked in that movie.

  2. troglodyke…. you’re high. that movie was barely entertaining at best. All be it amusing, I would not rave about the score, backstory, and pacing of this film. Get off your “girl power” trip and don’t be so jaded. The backstory on the characters was shitty, and predictable of a film of its year. Look at the production crew and writers on this film…. I could have spouted out half the lines from this movie before any of it was written down on script. Id rather use it for firewood, or toiletpaper on my next deployment to the gulf.

  3. I agree with Troglodyke. I thought that The Descent was a pretty good movie. Especially after so many shitty horror movies being made these days.


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