Just wondering….

Where are all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods?

Where is all the media asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn’t solved the problem? Asking where the FEMA trucks (and trailers) are?

Why isn’t the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels in Chicago?

When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines?

Where are Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks?

Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big screen television sets?

When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a “vanilla” Iowa, because that’s the way God wants it?

Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of cannibalism?

Where are the people declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people?

How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?

Thanks Gene

23 thoughts on “Just wondering….”

  1. I was in Mississippi for eleven days right after Katrina. The Mississippi I saw versus what I saw on CNN was as different as Pope John Paul II and Infidel.

    Our Blessed Media of Absoulute Truth has their view of how they think things are happening, and that is what they show us.

    And before anyone says anything about it, if you’ve never been to a small town in rural Mississippi when most of it is missing, and had most of the people you’ve met try to offer to food, and a place to stay, don’t fucking run your goddam mouth at me.

  2. No one was left to die while waiting to be rescued in Iowa, you morons.

    People were able to rely on their local public safety systems to move them to shelters that were not over-crowded, you morons.

    Barack Obama was filling sandbags before FEMA knew there were floods, you morons.

    Floods are different than hurricanes, you morons.

    The Army Corps of Engineers is catching holy hell because the levies failed, you morons.

    The f-ing Iowa National Guard is in Iraq with all the available equipment that could’ve been used to secure the older, unmaintained levies, you morons.

    What else would you morons like to know?

  3. Why the huge coverup of all you Iowans and Missourians and other ‘fly-over-ites’ shooting at rescue helicopters?

    And what a bunch of kool-aid drinkers you Midwesterners are…when you’re told that danger is approaching and you need to evacuate your homes for your family’s safety, you guys go and…um…well…leave.

    Except for the people that the E & W Coasters find completely incomprehensible…the ones they cover in the media as if they were visitors from Pluto…the ones who evacuate as many belongings they can into the family vehicle, and then return to the scene to fill sandbags & stack ’em round the clock, rescue family pets and old folks and business records and library books & feed all the workers; and the owners of the factories who are helping (not shooting) the Corps of Engineers hook into their private water sources to get safe drinking water into towns …and especially the young people who are spending their summer vacations pitching in to save farms, towns, businesses and colleges – a lot of these people aren’t even from the threatened areas.

    You people are somethin’ else.

    What’s going to happen when all this water finally gets to New Orleans?? I haven’t seen Bush or Cheney in a while…I’ll bet they’re down there setting explosives in the levees in the 9th Ward right now!!

    Bless all you folks affected by this disaster, and know that the thoughts of millions of Americans are with you.

    And we do notice the differences…we have been discussing it for a while now. Privately. For some reason all of this can’t be talked about publicly.

  4. Mike, you seem pretty bitter. All the post was trying to say is that the floods that happened over in IOwa were not covered by media near as much, and they were receiving alot less support from the government. No

  5. Bitter?

    I saw heroic acts transmuted into the six o’clock news, and bastardized into some form of victimhood that flies in the face of those who were trying to put their state back together without any help from any goverment agency.


    Bitter doesn’t begin to cover what I am.

    We’ve been led to believe we can’t live without some sort of hand out from Big Brother, but I’m telling you man, I have seen people live the life that precludes dependence.


    You have no idea, Matt.

    This country is being run into the god damn ground by those unwilling to get off their asses and save themselves while those who are more than willing to live free get ignored.

    The people in Iowa are so much better off without the media. And the government.

  6. Carter:

    In the current flooding, Iowans didn’t wait to be rescued. They handled it.

    Most of these communities don’t have public transit systems…they have common sense, and they have local gov’ts doing what local gov’ts are supposed to do, not abandoning their citizens to anarchy.

    His Majesty The Chosen One indeed filled a couple of sandbags in a carefully scripted and controlled photo op on 6/14…the floods began to get very serious on 6/03 and the Corps of Engineers was involved by 6/05. FEMA opened offices in Mason City 5/31 in response to tornadoes, storms, and expected flooding, and was physically involved at the scene by 6/10. FEMA was issuing assistance checks almost immediately. From the AP 6/23/08:

    After the rain started falling in early June, FEMA arrived with 13 million sandbags to pile onto the levees, 200 generators, and 30 trucks to haul off debris. Across the upper Midwest, the agency has delivered nearly 3.6 million liters of water and 192,000 ready-to-eat meals. About 650 inspectors are working in Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin alone.

    In Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin alone, FEMA has received about 45,000 registrations for assistance from disaster victims. The agency has already handed out $81 million in housing assistance funds, said Carlos Castillo, a FEMA official.

    Flooded-out homeowners said FEMA has been quick to dispense checks, and leaders in inundated towns in Iowa said the agency wasted little time in assessing damage.

    From KCRG 6/12 – 11 days ago – Iowa’s citizen-Soldiers and Airmen have responded quickly in assisting Iowa communities as part of their State mission. More than 2,100 Soldiers and Airmen are currently activated for state active duty in Iowa.

    We all have opinions, but facts aren’t that hard to find.

  7. I have family in Iowa. I know the Cedar Rapids, Coralville corridor like the back of my hand. The reason why you don’t hear celebrities getting together and calling for help for these people, or why you don’t see the media covering the horrible mistreatment of these people is because it’s been handled. Handled by ana amazing state of strong good people who are SUPPORTED by their governor (Chet Culver ROCKS!) and by the federal government. What you see is a predominantly white community being given the support deserved and needed by every community. The reason you don’t see or hear of the tragedy is because it’s being dealt with the way ever disaster should be…based upon need and not the value to the government of the people affected by the dsaster. Iowans don’t want your racist views and I guarantee you that they feel even worse for the people of New Orleans who STILL haven’t gotten the level of help these people did.

    Wow this whole thread is based on an ignorant view from a victim mentality that white people seem to be afflicted with more and more these days.

  8. Mike you got it right,damn those Katrina people didnt know what to do because they depend on the Goverment for everything all their lives,thats sad …..hey am I that different from the Pope lmao

  9. I lived in Fl, we had three hurricanes pass over my house, saw people with out power for weeks, blue tarps on houses for years. and the only thing we got was free ice from the govt.

  10. Todd,

    This whole thread is many opinions by many individuals and I challenge you to find once sentence in anything I’ve written that so much as hints of race, racism, or anything of the nature.

    My problem was, and remains, with the way the media distorted what was happening, and how FEMA really couldn’t find their asses with both hands, a flashlight, and a Garmin.

    The people in Mississippi, with what they were doing, and what they did, proved there really is only one race.


    Take Care,

  11. Yup. It’s about accountability. You take care of your own and help your community to prepare, then rebuild. That’s what accountability is. It’s not crying racial bias and expecting the government to save you. Government help should be the LAST resort, not the standby. Reminds me of the welfare conundrum.

  12. Wow! I’m a 50yo white New Orleanean whose house got 8 feet of water, evacuated to Houston for 6 months, drove back every weekend to start rebuilding and am just now finished. I had flood insurance and resources that put me back close to whole again. Many, many people here didn’t. Admittedly some animals took advantage of a horrible situation and some became professional victims. Our criminals evacuated to other cities and wreaked havoc. I’m sorry. I wish none of this had happened. But it did. We didn’t have any control over how the media portrayed us any more than Iowa has control over how they are portrayed.

    For me, I know that a lot of hard working, decent, families fared very badly in my community. Most of us in New Orleans have worked our asses off to come back from the levee failures. (Notice I didn’t say Katrina. Katrina we could have picked ourselves up and recovered from OK. Incompetently designed, built and maintained levees caused our disaster. My guess is Iowa has it’s own share of incompetent or crooked leaders and politicians but the media hasn’t focused on them.

    If I had the resources to do so, I would be up there filling sandbags or fixing gumbo or doing whatever I could for the affected. Please. Please dont reduce what happened in New Orleans to a trivialized sentence.

  13. Carter,

    No one was left to die while waiting to be rescued in New Orleans except those people who had become dependent on the government to make decisions for them, you moron.

    In New Orleans people relied on their corrupt, incompetent local public safety officials to move them to shelters instead of relying on themselves, you moron.

    The only sand-bagging Barak Obama has done is on guilt-ridden white leftists like you, moron.

    Yeah, floods are different than hurricanes but New Orleans was flooded, it weathered the hurricane, you moron.

    The Army Corps of Engineers is part of the government you leftist losers insist we all rely on for everything from cradle to grave. Unhappy now? Wait until they’re in charge of your healthcare, you moron.

    The f-ing Iowa National Guard wouldn’t exist, let a lone have any equipment, if we listened to you leftist scum. As for Iraq, someone has to protect your sniveling, Che loving ass, it’s obvious your not up to the job, you moron.

    What else would you like to know? Moron.

  14. I’m an Iowa resident and am dealing with the floods as best I can…same as everyone else who was affected by them. We took care of them because we had to. It’s a midwesterner’s nature to roll up sleeves and get done what needs to get done. We weren’t sitting on our butts waiting for our “gubbmint checks” to arrive so we could continue to sponge off the government…like a certain group of people further south did and continue to do.

    Make fun of the midwest all you like. See how you feel when your grocery bills skyrocket because of the massive crop losses this year because of the floods. Us poor dumb hayseeds will be sure to mention you as we pull together and get each other through the tough times…while you idiots starve and whine about it or blame politicians for it.

  15. Being from Iowa me self,and as we say here, the differience between the Iowa floods and Katrina is Day and Night….I don’t see how anyone can compare the two on the same level.It just shows me how ingnorant some people are.IMO!

  16. Why do people insist on living in flood plains? And then not get flood insurance? Yet, they get to vote. Scary.

    Levees are the weakest of man made structures and are never maintained. Anyone that is flood free (for now) and rely on a levee, you have been told.

  17. I’m a decorated war veteran.

    My daughter and her family live in Lincoln County, MO. Happily, they are far enough away from the floods to worry too much.

    This government has failed miserably for the past generation to shore up the infrastructure which could prevent or ameliorate the damage these natural disasters cause.

    Blaming the people of New Orleans for their misfortune is reprehensible and, from the tone of many of the comments, I daresay racist.

    This thread hit a very sensitive nerve for me and I’m sorry for calling anyone a moron.

  18. Ignorant doesn’t even begin to explain how anyone could possibly equate the floods in Iowa to New Orleans. For one, it came slowly and it was predictable. Two, New Orleans Metro itself has as many people as the whole state of Iowa. I bet if the whole state got instantaneously flooded at the same time (like New Orleans), there would be just as many Iowans crying for help.

    Why anyone would even take the time to write such ignorant words is beyond me. I’d like to just believe that they are just ignorant, but I think there’s a lot more going on than that.

  19. Large portions of New Orleans are below sea level (and hence below river level). The flood came fast, but it was predictable.

    I don’t think there’s any part of Iowa that’s below the usual (non-flood) level of the river.

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