29 thoughts on “Important info about energy saver light bulbs”

  1. Ha, I think it’s funny about him talking about how much more expensive the CFL’s are compared to the incandescent bulbs…yeah, initially they are 4x’s more expensive, but use FAR less energy to run and with last MUCH longer than a regular bulb. Regular bulbs will use more electricity which in turns requires more coal to be burned which makes more pollution than a few dropped CFL’s. CFL’s are far better than incandescent bulbs, end of story.

  2. I’m with you, Jason. I replaced all my incandescents with CFLs and my electric bill is about half what it was.

  3. Barbwire,
    You have to understand that the Honorable Congressman’s funds from the energy lobby is also half of what it was. Damm them CFLs

  4. uhh… last I checked, coal, gas and crude oil were non-renewable energy sources.
    not exactly a step forward, is it?

  5. anonymous the first, where is it written in the constitution (that which i carry by myself and I believe many fellow commenters do) that american people cannot step backwards? Land of freedom and stuff.

  6. Thank god we’ve run out of problems to the point light bulbs have become this nation’s greatest single threat!

    This is de-mock-arsey and your tax dollars hard at work.

  7. Very interesting stuff. Who would of thought a Republican with a good point. Don’t know where to begin. I’m for saving energy, but against harming the environment and exporting our dollars out of this country. The only answer would be alternative energy sources……as long as they’re safe and don’t polute the environment.

  8. Jeez! Ya try to do one good thing and find out you’re doing three bad things. I am feeling conflicted.

  9. Doesn’t anyone get squidgy feelings when Congress starts telling you what kind of light bulbs you can buy? I sure do. Not to mention the new domestic hazardous waste disposal laws that are sure to follow.

  10. I like the fact that Mr. Roper from Three’s Company was sitting behind him. I thought he was dead.
    I hate those pig tail light bulbs.

  11. Huh. Ya see, when I watched this, all I could think of was: “In an effort to cut down deforestation and reduce urban sewage load, every American will be required to have a locked toilet paper dispenser, which only dispenses two squares of recycled toilet paper every 15 minutes, and must be re-filled in-home by a licensed company. Toilet paper will no longer be sold over the counter. . .”

    What’s the difference? Aside from if you break a piece of toilet paper, or “wish to dispose of it”, there aren’t strict guidelines for doing so.

  12. WHAT EVER HAPPENED to the free market system where the people that want to save money bought energy saving devises
    and me i like LED lights made in America last forever and use less energy then cfl’s.

  13. Years ago when these new light bulbs came out, I remember dropping one in my kitchen. I didn’t know at that time they had mercury in them and just swept up the mess and threw it in the trash. There are no “proper procedures” written on the box that they come in. In my area, when you bring such hazardous waste in to be properly disposed of, you have to PAY THEM to take it off your hands.

  14. Um… LED lights, while even more expensive, use significantly less energy than incandescent or CFL. They also contain no mercury and are relatively difficult to break. BOO YAH

  15. Probably a non-issue on all sides. Screw-socket LED lightbulb technology is on it’s way, and will certainly be here by 2014.

    This guy makes some valid points though. I wonder who pays him to make them?

  16. Amazing that some people miss the point because the guy is a Republican. He makes a great point. There was a time when we took care of ourselves, and now we’re reliant on energy from every other god damn place. If we have oil and coal, then we should be drilling and mining the damn stuff. Instead, Congress is worried about telling Americans what kind of damn light bulb to use. Wonder how much the Chinese paid the Democrats to pass that bill?

  17. There’s a problem with us drilling for vast amounts of oil in America. If we drill for every last drop now, we will have no choice but to use 100% foreign oil. I don’t want to be around for that. If at all possible, let their oil wells dry up first. We need alternate energy to delay the ultimate oil war

    Maybe they need to encase these CFLs in an unbreakable clear plastic globe to keep the bad stuff inside. With somewhere around 150 bulbs in my house, I’m sure a few CFLs would help, but I don’t like them for the reasons in the video. Besides they would look ridiculous in my chandelier.

  18. Drill now we have enough oil for over 100 years vote those ass clowns out of Congress ,take the damn caribou and put them on a plate and tell the ecodipsh*ts to GFY…oil/gas problems taken care off its that simple

  19. Screw in LED’s by 2014? Say that to the two LEDS illuminating my computer… they were expensive, but they work like a charm.

  20. LED are expensive for the same wattage, but costs are coming down. HOW? By having places like China produce the LED lights.

  21. The country is in the toilet! Most people would rather “damn white male republicans” and then let the federal government crawl up their ass and tell them how, when and where to live their lives. This country is filling up with spineless wimps that want the government to direct their pathetic lives for them. God help us.

  22. The upside is you save money by using less energy. The downside, not worth the upside, is if you break one of these CFL bulbs, the mercury containing debris can be harmful to you, your family, and the surrounding environment and cleaning up the mess is your responsibility. If you clean it up properly, it will be time consuming and expensive. No instructions are given on the box, not on the ones I bought anyway. Nothing saying I can’t use it in a dimmer controlled circuit. There is a mercury warning but the box it came in is bio-safe. And I know I can’t be the only person who feels uncomfortable relying on China as the sole source for this product. There has to a better thought out plan, one with some circumspect, that looks at the consequences, cleanup, and disposal and not just the energy saving.

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