The UroClub
You arrive at the golf course, and soon you’re on to 18 holes with your best buddies. After drinking sport ades, water, beer, and whatever, you’re on the 3rd hole with no rest room in sight. There are no trees or bushes around and you just gotta go, what are you going to do?
The UroClub is intended to eliminate anxiety and any feeling of uneasiness on the course. It can be emptied at the nearest restroom or later on, when the golfer returns home.
Geez, I would’ve put a drain down at the bottom, so you wouldn’t even have to empty it.
your right DJ, seems like that would have been a no Brainer to me…
I think the idea is to not pee all over the golf course so as not to kill they grass. (Do men really pee everywhere while golfing?) I don’t think I want to pick up a ball off a urine soaked green.