caption contest – name this without using a medical term (too easy for that) January 8, 2025 by Mike nothing coronary, artery, chronic, heart attack, etc. via +40
Will it fit?
A nice lunch
Sex on a bun.
♫ Tragically delicious! ♪
Appetizer before the main meal.
Best friends for life
Breakfast of champions!
(Needs more bacon though.)
Gastro abuse.
The Barnyard Stacker
but where’s the chicken?
I’m pretty sure that’s a fried egg about halfway down.
That’s Pre-Chicken, except in Texas, Florida, and Alabama
Weight Watcher’s Special, It comes with a Diet Pepsi.
The widow maker.
Jazz dog with orange drink. Don’t lie. You see it.
Farmers Tower
Aussie “All The Way Burger”.
When she has a headache
Elvis tower of power
Where’s my bib?
Meh. Needs more bacon and some onions.