I’m looking for someone to give me some assistance on the message I received from my host about badbits.us. The message links to a log of some “traffic” it’s receiving.
Most of those link to images on the site. A few link to some escort services. Not sure how those got in there. Could they be attached to uploaded images or something? Could it be a virus?
I haven’t installed the Super Cache plugin yet. I understand it can make a big difference and speed up a website. Could that make that much of a difference in server use?
I also think that having someone go over the code might be beneficial, but I’m not really sure how that can be done.
Here’s the message I got from my host:
Your account has been disabled due to crashing server 55 with the traffic being received on your wordpress site.
At this time we cannot re-enable your account unless you disable wordpress or get a dedicated server.
You can see the total traffic after reboot here:
Unfortunately, your website has caused downtime for other clients on your server on multiple occasions, and we must take immediate action to disable your account in order to preserve the quality and integrity of our service. In order to re-activate your account, please confirm that you will correct the above problem within 72 hours from the time of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation.
Any ideas would be appreciated. I don’t know if I want them to turn it back on just to have it be shut down again. I need to find out if there is an internal problem. I don’t want to jump to another host just to run into the same problem again.
Persuing the logs, it looks like your hosting company is hosting multiple virtual sites from the same webserver (which explains the other site links) and they consider that the load coming from running your wordpress site is degrading the others’ performance.
That’s not really suprising if you’ve got a pretty popular site. It’s usually better to run those on a dedicated server. Of course, that’s usually more costly.
Good luck!
I could be wrong, but it looks like they just copied a section out of their web log, without snipping off the parts not related to your site. The ‘dynastycompanions’ stuff, etc., looks like they are your neighbors on the shared server, not traffic being accounted to you.
However, it looks like many of your images and files are being loaded multiple times in a short amount of time. This *could* be from high traffic – but more likely it is from a coding problem. It looks like what happens when a page references itself – loading multiple copies of everything. Sometimes PHP can do that.
I would engage the Super Cache plug-in and re-enable the site. The plug-in will create static copies of most of your content, which should clear up the server load.
Good luck…
This needs to be fixed!! I love Bad Bits.
Cache plugins can make a large difference when the site in question has dynamically generated pages, which this sort of site does.
Failing that, jumping hosts isn’t going to solve your problem if you’ve had to jump hosts in the past for the same reasons, especially if you expect your site traffic to increase over time. If that’s the case and site optimization doesn’t help (it’s only a stop-gap solution to begin with), you’ll definitely need to consider a VPS or Dedicated server.
I’m not seeing anything even remotely bad there, those are all just http GET commands, you’re just using wordpress over there right? nothing else that’s too crazy? how about plugins, anything that may be causing problems?
do you have hotlinking enabled on your site? that may be causing some issues too.
feel free to contact me if you want to pick my brain:
Hopefully, the Super Cache plugin should fix all your woes, but if it doesn’t and you need to move you vast army of awesomeness, you should try lurking around some Webmaster forums (v7n, Digital Point, SitePoint ETC.) and look through their hosting section. Someone is always on there selling space on their unused dedicated server that they pay for. It is usually at pretty good rates as well. Bad Bits is in the porn industry, and you could get A LOT of money for a good site like that. With the amount of visitors you receive, go look for an affiliate to link up with (instead of AdSense) and watch the money come in.
A good site for info on hosting naughty stuff can be found here – http://www.netpond.com/ and http://www.ynot.com/
Eric is right, the other sites are hosted in your same server. The first entry, for example:
The IP for the 2 hosts are the same, so they are just hosted on the same server.
If you can, activate wp-supercache, it will make a BIG difference, and probably be nice to the server.
However, if your site has this much traffic, I’d seriously consider hosting it on a dedicated server.
For now, enable wp-supercache, set it up, and be happy. I doubt the load on the server will affect other sites this much.
Also, there are some things you can add to your .htaccess (if allowed by your hosting) that will optimize things:
# Mod_deflate for javascript and css (reduces size)
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
# Future expires for static content
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType application/javascript “access plus 3 months”
ExpiresByType text/javascript “access plus 3 months”
Overall, have a look at your site using a tool like YSlow and/or PageSpeed (both are plugins for Firebug). They can hint on some ways to make the site faster.
that log isn’t too useful without seeing requester/source data of who’s hitting the site. hmm… i wonder if someone isn’t doing some massive hotlinking with fake blog entries in a lame SEO attempt to get whatever scam they’re trying to push higher on a search engine query. or, if they’re spamming html formatted email with hotlinks to your sourced images that could do it maybe.
http://www.davidairey.com/stop-image-theft-hotlinking-htaccess/ has some comments about it, if you google .htaccess and wordpress it will give you some links to look at ( http://www.josiahcole.com/2007/07/11/almost-perfect-htaccess-file-for-wordpress-blogs/ for instance)
just a thought, i don’t really touch wordpress very much…
Basically what the others have said is good info, consider me seconding it. Enabling the super cache plugin is a good idea. It will make pretty much everything static, and then the resources should get cached. So if you were having bandwidth issues, that will help. But the other thing is that wordpress is pretty notorious for being resource heavy, that plugin helps with that as well again by making almost everything static (so it becomes IO bound instead). The hosting company will say something like the load avg or cpu or memory usage was too high.
Unfortunately that snippet of log file does not give enough information to tell if it was a ‘coding error’ or simply you were getting many visitors. For example all those like seven lines for keep-your-eyes-on-the-snake could have been seven different people looking at it at the same time or an issue with wordpress where it kept serving-up the same stuff numeous times. If it was the later you could see how the cache plugin could easily reduce your bandwidth by a factor of seven.
It could have also been a hotlinking issue. Just in case you should disable hotlinking (sometimes called referrer checking). What could have happened is that some other site linked to your images and then they were causing you bandwith troubles. I did a quick google search though and it does not look like that was going on though.
I think this host is not very happy about how much resources wordpress was taking. If the super cache plugin does not help, they likley will not be happy. You should be able to look at the same sorts of logs yourself though, they should offer a ‘control panel’ or some such. In this way you can try it out in your browser and see if you have cured the excessive requests issue.
Good luck
PS: My wife (Agnes) has been rubbing it in that I missed the “Infidel’s Heaven” post so I really hope you get badbits back!
The only thing I can access is the ftp part of the site. I downloaded the SuperCache plugin, but when I started to upload it I see that it’s already there (in the plugin folder of WordPres). I didn’t remember installing it before but I may have. I’m not sure if it was activated though. I’ll need to get the site back up to find out.
I don’t know just think it’s all a huge conspiracy! It started with the bitch-dog, the cutie, you have been set up….hmmm. Think about it. Make it work b N p, we would miss you forever!!! This post will self-destruct in….
sorry Jonco I do well just to use the internet I dont know about that stuff
Hi Jonco,
You should enable the “hotlink protection”, if it isn’t already enabled. Go to your cPanel and protect the folder that contains your images.
Maybe you could just snail-mail the stuff to us. Plain brown wrappers, please.
@DJ and risk my wife catching me! I think not!
Without seeing the full log, it hard to know exactly what is happening, but it appears that people are linking to your images directly. Most of the time when you link to an image, it is hosted on your own site. However, you can link to any image on the internet directly. Sometimes this is referred to as stealing bandwidth because although the image appears on their website, it is your server that is hosting the image. This causes your server to be charged for the bandwidth those images use and creates stres on your server.
Meanwhile, their site gets the benefits because all the visitors to that site see is the image itself. Basically, you’re bearing the costs for those other sites and getting nothing in return. I didn’t cross reference the DNS or ip addresses for those other sites listed so it might be on your own server, and thus could be caused by something else.
But I do software consulting for a living and would be happy to dole out some free advice here. I’m sure I could help you find a decent solution. What you’re doing here is great and it would be a shame to see it discontinued. Just email me and we can chat.
I want to reiterate that it’s almost certainly a traffic issue.
All you need to do is go to the Advertising section of this site to get an idea of the traffic this site receives. That’s way too much for “shared” type hosting, even if you optimize the site to bits (pun intended), you’ll just be buying time before this happens again — which it almost certainly will.
Duane gives some good advice on how to deal with the increased costs of moving to a higher class of hosting. It sounds like that site gets more traffic then this one does, by a lot, which makes the advice even more valuable. Hosts are also more likely to tweak server configurations in a way that will optimize single sites over insisting on keeping configurations that benefit shared environments.