81 thoughts on “Gime some money…”

  1. No, but didn’t he lose the last one for laying down on the job? He wouldn’t be any help on a picket line.

  2. Ok, Scott, you win. I’m giving up. You’re head and shoulders above the rest of us. Well…some of us. Or at least kNeil.

  3. I don’t know, Rev. He tried to do the Million Man March, but it was such a drag. He brought DC traffic to a crawl.

  4. G’nite all, time for my peanut butter and nanner and off to bed. What a draaaggg it is…. getting old…..

  5. This story kinda reminds me of the Ooh-Ooh bird of Southern Australia, but let’s not go there…I don’t want to be uncouth. Ask Bitsy about it.

  6. Kisses Revy, Scott and DJ. I can’t remember the last time that I laughed so hard. (I really mean it) You made my week!!! I can’t even come up with a good one coz I think you covered them all…or maybe not? Thanks Guys. 🙂 I’m sure that this will go down as a B&P classic.
    [And before anyone gets all freaky, it’s all in pun and good humor.]

  7. Are you sure he’s kNiel? I thought at one time he was the greeter at Walmart and was known as Welcome Matt.

  8. LOL! Maybe this is Chuck!

    My favorite Slow Joe quote: “Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya! Oh! God love ya. What am I talking about? I tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal. I tell you what, stand up for Chuck!”

  9. “Stand up Chuck” (which happened in St. Louis) is my favorite gaffe of his too, but I probably haven’t heard that many. There is probably a book out on his slip-ups.

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