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And you thought you’d seen it all.
Larry thought that he would go trolling for a date.
♫♪ While trollin’ the carp one day… ♪♫
What a lucky fish. He should be very tank full.
All that walking could wear out his sole.
It’s the new iFish.
m r not fish, m r 2 fish..c d b d iiii’s did i get that right?
That’s Ana’s butler.
What, no poop bags?
Wanda! U R alive!
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Larry thought that he would go trolling for a date.
♫♪ While trollin’ the carp one day… ♪♫
What a lucky fish. He should be very tank full.
All that walking could wear out his sole.
It’s the new iFish.
m r not fish, m r 2 fish..c d b d iiii’s
did i get that right?
That’s Ana’s butler.
What, no poop bags?
Wanda! U R alive!