Weird things sold on eBay

Pig Jockey has a post about ten of the weirdest things sold on eBay.

Here they are in a nutshell:

10.  30 Days of as space on some guy’s forehead.

9.  A 10 year old tries to sell her “annoying but cuddly” Grandma

Virgin_Mary_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich8.  A brussel sprout sold for  £99.50 in England with the proceeds going to charity.

7.  Britney Spears’ chewed gum sold for $14,000

6.  A cornflake shaped like Illinois went for $1,350

5.  A partially eaten 10 year-old grilled cheese sandwich said to bear the image of the Virgin Mary sold on eBay for $28,000

4.   An 18-year-old British girl sold her virginity on eBay

3.  A man from Florida auctioned off his liver on eBay. The bid reached $5.7 million before it was taken down from the site

2.  A ghost contained in a jar sold for $50,922 (but the bidder didn’t pay)

1.   A Briton living in Australia sold his whole life for £192,000 after splitting up with his wife. The auction included his house and it’s contents, car, job, motorcycle, jet ski and friends, in an effort to make a fresh start.

Details here


4 thoughts on “Weird things sold on eBay”

  1. My ex-girlfriend sold half her soul on ebay for $200… not sure how he’ll collect on that, but the transaction went through…

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