6 thoughts on “Backfired prank”

  1. This is a very poorly produced video. It doesn’t explain anything and completely relies on the viewer to have watched the other video first. Even then, it’s lame. And I just live down the road from this high school.

  2. @ Maffu – the 2 hosts Amir and Streeter from the tv show Pranked and CollegeHumor.com are constantly battling each other with high profile pranks. On this particular one, Amir is duped into thinking he won a chance to shoot for .5 million at a Maryland-Wake Forest game. The crowd was instructed to cheer as loud as they could when he shot even if he missed, so he would think he made it! And yes he did miss.
    Of course in THIS video, the teacher actually sank the ball. Woops.

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