6 thoughts on “First scientifically accurate visualization of 9/11 attack”

  1. I found this simulation very disturbing and much more frightening than I believed possible so long after the event. Incredible work but I really don’t want to see what some hapless office worker may have seen that morning.

  2. I agree with Alice that this video is very disturbing. It’s impossible not to add, in the mind’s eye, the people who lost their lives in that moment. Part of what makes it disturbing is also the blase explanation of the computer programming by the narrator, not that that he intends to sound that way.

  3. It wasn’t that bad. I’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time. They seemed to have forgotten about reports of jet fuel going down elevator shafts. Just be glad they stopped short of showing bodies.

  4. One BIG problem…There was a HUGE CORE in the middle of the building. This core had all the elevator shafts in it. I’ve talked to people who watched them build the towers and this core was massive. While is might have been somewhat possible for the outter walls to crash down the core should have stayed.

  5. That was truly surreal to see, but I agree with the anonymous in that I’ve been waiting to see something like this as well.

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