If you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?

Reddit asks the question: If you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?

Here are a few of the answers:

  • Max Power
  • princess consuela banana hammock
  • Turd Ferguson
  • Bill Brasky
  • Snake Plisken
  • Manheim Von Crotchblast
  • Staff Sgt. Max Fightmaster
  • Brecht Von Doob
  • Incontinentia Buttocks.
  • McLovin
  • Big Mclargehuge!
  • Slim Pickens
  • Laser Blade Blazer
  • Isaac Yudovich Ozimov
  • Reginald Thunderpussy
  • Colonel Angus
  • Styles Bitchley
  • Carlos Spicywiener
  • Boobie McBoobieson
  • Johnny Ring
  • Vagisil Peckerwood
  • Friggin Awesome
  • Abner Wigglestaff
  • Dick Steele
  • Aaron A Aardvark
  • Richard “Dick” Dragon
  • Chesty LaRue
  • Dan Druff
  • Mike Hunt

If you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?

34 thoughts on “If you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?”

  1. Rockefeller, or some other old money name, then I wouldn’t have to perform menial labor to keep a roof over my head

  2. If I were more Italian Looking: Vincenzo Beneducci. It just sounds cool. I used to know a kid named that (we called him vinnie), but the funny part was his middle name: Ralph. Such a grand name, but it’s like they couldn’t think of anything good for the middle name, so they just stuck in Ralph.

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