Sunday open mic

MicrophoneI’m gonna be sdleeping in Sunday morning.  I got in at 2:16 am.  I had a few drinks tonight … or last night… whatever it was.  I was invbited to a holidat party… It was nice,.  

Y’all talk amongst yourselves … but dio it quietly.  I’ll be here later.

P.S.   I do see  a couple of mispellings up there, but when you drunk blog you don’ty go back and correct them.   I think that should be some kind of law or something.  At least an unwritten law.

 See you later!

48 thoughts on “Sunday open mic”

  1. So, (Isiah, you think it’s OK to leave a comment that Jonco isn.t looking for? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation so you can back off right now. I may not support Jonco every time he drunk blogs, but after all, it is his site, so how can you be against that?

  2. I’d like to teach the world to sing
    In perfect harmony
    I’d like to buy the world a Rum and Coke
    And keep it company
    That’s the real thing.

    (Repeat chorus)
    I’d like to teach the world to sing
    In perfect harmony
    I’d like to buy the world a Rum and Coke
    And keep it company
    That’s the real thing

    Chorus 2:
    What the world wants today
    Paul in boca (background)
    Is the real thing

    (Repeat chorus 2)
    What the world wants today
    Paul in boca (background)
    Is the real thing

    I’d like to teach the world to sing
    Sing with me (background)
    In perfect harmony
    I’d like to buy the world a Rum and Coke
    And keep it company
    That’s the real thing

    (Repeat chorus)
    I’d like to teach the world to sing
    In perfect harmony
    I’d like to buy the world a Rum and Coke
    And keep it company
    That’s the real thing.

    (Chorus 2)
    What the world wants today
    Paul in boca (background)
    Is the real thing

    (Repeat chorus 2)
    What the world wants today
    Paul in boca (background)
    Is the real thing

  3. Wish I was in tropical South Georgia right now. 10F/-12C here in northern Ohio. (Wind chill -4F/-20C) And snowing hard.
    Got snow over there, Janet?

  4. Well DJ if you call a few white flakes on the ground SNOW then yea!lol In Dublin we got mostly ice on NY eve and the city ground to a halt.

  5. South Florida is sunny, but c-c-c-c-olddd. Only reaching 61 degrees today, low of 38. The lead story is “a severe wind chill in effect from 9 PM tonight until 10 AM tomorrow. Bring in your pets, protect your plants, and the following shelters are open for the homeless:…”.

  6. Hey, Mike, That’s better than Kumbaya any day, especially since it comes with a free drink. Thank you. We get refills right?

  7. Infi,
    I think if you look into global warming it causes extremes at both ends of the spectrum, hence, bone chilling cold down here in my neck of the woods. but that’ll only last a few days, and we will be back to the normal mid 70’s days and mid 50’s nights.

  8. LOL Paul. As the climate scientists would say, the quality of a theory depends on its ability to explain the facts. So when the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.

  9. So, Paul you think its ok to try to start a meme? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation so you can back off right now. I may not support all the memes we already have on the Internet but you cant hate all of them. Such as lolcats how can you be against that?

  10. Hello. Our temp is the same as DJ’s, the sun is shining bright, “10” is a great year so far, Mike can you pour me one too?

  11. LOL @ DJ. You have your feet on the sand in this picture, and somehow you are able to have your head there, also. Want some facts?
    Here’s that far left, liberal stinky hippie/commie site called the National Geographic:
    “Global warming, or climate change, is a subject that shows no sign of cooling down.

    Here’s the lowdown on why it’s happening, what’s causing it, and how it might change the planet.

    Is It Happening?

    Yes. Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change.

    • Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

    • The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century’s last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850.

    • The Arctic is feeling the effects the most. Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004.”

    Even if it’s not happening in your world, don’t you think we’re better off seeking alternative energy sources? Don’t you think the USA would be better off cutting our reliance on the countries of the Mid East for our main source of energy? Don’t you think our country would be better off if we became energy self reliant? I always thought that conservatives would want to, you, know, conserve our planet and its resources. Am I wrong with that belief?

  12. So Isiah, you really think I’m trying to start a meme? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation so you can back off right now. I may have created most of the memes we already have on the Internet but I haven’t created all of them. Such as icanhazcheesburger, that’s not mine, so how can you be against creativity?

  13. It’s 43 deg.F here partly cloudy, a blah day perfect for staying indoors on my computer and not doin’ a damn thing.

  14. Paul if you wanna follow Pope Al Gore and those idiots go ahead I cant help you,I said when this sh*t started that global warming would be the biggest scam in history and it is

  15. Yay more snow for us last night. 11 days so far with snow on the ground. Must be some kind of record for OK. Not just ‘climate change’, it’s an ice age. Woohoo!

  16. It’s in the 50s here in Vegas. Too cold for me! And by the way, Paul, National Geographic has had a very liberal slant for 50 years and is more of a political magazine than a science magazine. They have great pictures, but always decry capitalism, praise the virtues of socialist societies and proselytize for the liberal agenda. Sure, they often have good, informational articles, but you can’t point to them as an inbiased source. As for the other science organizations that you point to for your information, it has been widely reported that anyone who produces divergent data or theories are routinely shut out of the debate. To point to anything done by a U.N. organization is totally bogus! The entire Copenhagen conference last month was just a big shakedown of the US to provide billions of dollars in welfare money to third world countries.

  17. Infi and Scott: funny how you both ignore the true crux of my post, how about answering:
    Even if it’s not happening in your world, don’t you think we’re better off seeking alternative energy sources? Don’t you think the USA would be better off cutting our reliance on the countries of the Mid East for our main source of energy? Don’t you think our country would be better off if we became energy self reliant? I always thought that conservatives would want to, you, know, conserve our planet and its resources. Am I wrong with that belief?

  18. Another thing that you will notice is that these so called “scientists” no longer refer to “global warming”, they now refer to “climate change”. This way, no matter what happens, warming or cooling, they can still attribute it to “climate change”.

  19. Paul – Yes, I’ve always believed in alternative sources, because it’s always made sense, and it’s available for the taking. I supported a wind turbine on the college campus not 4 blocks from my house, and I’m actively backing the first of what could be many more less than a ¼ mile away on empty county land. I’ve thought alternative energy was a good idea for decades…wind turbines along our shores and deserts, hydro on our rivers, solar in the south and southwest, etc. But the libs fight it…they are pushing for the removal of dams on our rivers (one in a county next to mine); Kennedy, Kerry and other libs in New England have consistently fought against wind turbines off the Massatoosets coast because they don’t want to see them from their yachts; libs fight the wind turbines out west because a dumb bird might not see a stationary, lighted 200′ tall white tower with loud spinning blades on top; Diane Feinstein is pushing legislation to stop any use for renewable energy on a half million acres in the middle of the Mojave Desert (Even Gov Arnold says “If we can’t put a solar power plant out in the Mojave desert, I don’t know where the hell we can put it.”) I also think nuclear power is a great idea, and I’m pissed that an accident at a shoddily built and poorly run Russian plant and a Jane Fonda movie 30 years ago scared America away from the energy that made the most sense.

    That National Geographic article…written in ’04, updated ’07…was written before the fraudulent “drowning polar bear” photo was discredited; before the exposure of the fraud perpetrated by the climate scientists who threw out tree ring data, who threw out data from across Russia and elsewhere that went against their agenda; before we learned about the climate data sensors placed in concrete parking lots, near air conditioning units, and on hot rooftops (; before NASA data quietly revised their data after they admitted to a bug in the algorithm used to adjust raw information; before the emails where climate scientists discussed how to skew the data: “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” . And you live on the coast…how’s that catastrophic sea level rise going?

    I’m not sure National Geographic is an unbiased source, and I don’t think anybody believes anything that ever comes out of the completely discredited and irrelevant UN.

    During the recent Copenhagen climate orgy, almost every attendee came on private planes. Even the vile Nancy Pelosi, who took a party of over 20 people, needed two planes. It’s been estimated that the 15,000 delegates, 5,000 press personnel, and 98 world leaders generated as much CO2 at this conference as would be created by a city with a population of 143,000. Once again we see the hypocrisy of the world’s liberals, all the while ignoring the news of the exposure of one of the greatest frauds in modern history.

    And yes, I also am 100% in favor of energy independence, if for no other reason than to make the deceitful denizens oil producing areas of the Middle East irrelevant again. Let Europe and Russia kiss their oily arses.

    I’m one of the SuperRecyclers in my community, not because of Whore Gore, but because my Dad was a skinflint with very tight pockets who taught me to be stingy frugal long before Al Gore Senior voted against the Civil Rights Act in ’64. I try to not overuse paper products in the home, we used cloth instead of disposable diapers, I don’t put chemicals on my lawn, I keep my house at 62-64F in winter, used a/c only a dozen days or so (because of such a cool summer here…some days it’s a necessity due to allergies), and keep lighting at a too-dark minimum. But I don’t do it because of a bogus fraudulent agenda on the part of hypocritical freaks like the two-faced Al Gore (whose home uses 20x the normal in his county)(and who’s getting rich selling carbon credits to himself), but just because it’s always been cheaper, and it’s always been just a good idea.

    Poor Whore Gore: Global warming being completely debunked by the very Internet he invented.

  20. Sorry Paul. I think that we both posted our last comment at the same time so I didn’t see your follow up question. Of course reducing our reliance on foreign energy is a non negotiable and developing alternate energy sources is imperative. This is something we can all agree on (which is why I didn’t mention it in my original response). Nevertheless, we need energy NOW and these alternative energy sources are not even close to being ready or able to supply our energy needs. At this point, it is the liberals blocking our efforts to become energy independent by preventing us from drilling on our own land. ANWAR alone would give us at least a 30 year supply of Saudi oil, but God forbid we should displace a moose! That being said, I am all for conservation and the development of alternate forms of energy. Just not to the exclusion of our current needs.

  21. Paul I think you missed my point. I love lots of snow and ice. As long as it’s white and not the yellow or brown kind. No glacial slur intended.

  22. I’m all for being self reliant, not depending on other countries for fossil fuels and the like. I think wind energy is a great idea. I don’t know much about global warming/climate change or whatever the politically correct term for it is now, but I would love to live in one of those really energy efficient underground homes. Warmer in the Winter, cooler in the Summer and all that.
    I also don’t believe it’s right that we should be looking to colonize other planets once we’ve destroyed the one we were left in charge of.

  23. So Infidel, you really think you can convince someone of something on the internet? Cause if so, you really have no place in this conversation so you can back off right now. I may have had my share of arguments in the past, but I have never been successful, so how can you be against learning from your mistakes?

  24. Paul…I left a long comment here over three hours ago, but it’s still in moderation. I think I used up too much of Jonco’s electricity.

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