14 thoughts on “Italy, America’s new prison”

  1. Finally a solution to prison overcrowding. Armed robbery? 5 years in Germany. Aggravated assault? 3 years in Portugal.

  2. It’s a bit of a stretch, but if you re-read the title, you’ll see how it can read like “26 years in Italy” is the sentence.

  3. This is brilliant! Take that Britain we are going to return all those prisoners you dumped on us…..with interest.

  4. I’ve tried my best but I don’t get why this one is funny and why it’s even here. Can someone fill me in on what I’m missing?

  5. OK, rogue… I get it now. 26 years in Italy, as opposed to 26 years in an Italian prison. Sometimes my grasp of the obvious is not too good. 😉

  6. Prostitution, 10 years in Amsterdam.Possesion/manurfacturing with intent to sell,20 years in Mexico. Crimes against the US government, acts of terrorism, 40 years in Iraq.Refusing to give your SS number for Comcast Cable, Telephone, or any other flippant company who requests…. Life in China. Priceless.

  7. [OT] If justice here in Italy works as always, if she’s guilty she’ll be out in five years, because italian justice is a real s**t! (Sorry for the bad language!)

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