7 thoughts on “Lucky policeman”

  1. Backwards? How the hell did that happen? That is one very lucky cop! I dunno…I usually see people move out of the right lane when a cop’s got someone pulled over. Maybe it’s a “Connecticut thing”.

  2. eyeball – They probably move over because Move Over/Slow Down is the law in 41 states, including yours and mine.

    Since 1999, over 150 cops have been killed alongside US highways. The scary thing is that 3 out of 4 Americans have never heard of the law.

    Here in Ohio, there are signs on the highways announcing the law, and this summer it was broadened to include service vehicles like tow trucks.


  3. eyeball – I agree–what the heck happened to cause that truck to come flying through backwards? I am trying to figure out what happened off camera to cause this.

    DJ – it is a law here in Illinois, too. I see similar signs along the interstates. I think I have also seen them in Indiana.

    It is a sad commentary on our society that we have to be told common sense things like this (move over or slow down so you don’t kill someone), and to turn our headlights on when it is precipitating.

  4. DJ, I’ve actually never heard of that law, or seen signs. It’s just (as Tim stated) common sense. Watching the people in this video…I was just looking at them zoom by, and thinking “Why are they still in that lane?”. Then the pick-up comes flying in.

  5. Yeah, that’s the weird thing. What possesses people to think that it’s a good idea to drive 65-70 mph 36 inches from someone?? The windstream off a semi at that speed can lift a person off the ground. It’s shameful that we even need the law.

  6. here in florida too many people seem to not know the law either, and it gets displayed on road signs and there have been commericals on tv too. in florida it is required that for any emergency vehicle you either have to move over a lane, or if that is not possible to slow to 20mph below the posted speed and i assume this is very similar to other states. as a cop myself i’ve sat behind many of my coworkers on traffic stops and you’d be amazed with the idiots that drive by (and a few may have gotten some tickets for it 😉 )i’ve actually been clipped in the back before by a passing car.

    you would also be amazed by how many people fail to get out of the way when you are driving with your lights on trying to get to a call or sometimes even trying to pull them over. “oh i didnt’ know you were trying to pull me over” well even if i wasn’t, shouldnt’ you have gotten out of the way, so i could go to whatever emergency call you thought i was going to?!

    oh well–please all drive safely this holiday season! saw tooooo many accidnets today

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