Rainy day

We’re in for a very rainy couple of days here in St. Louis.  They say we could get 3 – 4 inches of rain by Christmas morning.  Then it’s going to chill down and turn to sleet and light snow as it ends.  If it were a few degrees colder we could have been in for a LOT of snow.  We lucked out this time.  Though I wouldn’t have minded a few inches for Christmas.

Rainy day

 image via

15 thoughts on “Rainy day”

  1. Yeah, we were just talking about that at work— it’d be great to have a full covering of snow that only sticks to the grass and but leaves the roads clear. That way it still ‘looks’ like Christmas.

  2. Well, the freezing rain is bad enough that my family isn’t going to make it up to Chicago to be w/ me for Christmas (it’s pretty nasty here in Chicago). But it’s ok- I’ll get to skype into the Christmas festivities of my fiancé’s family! Merry Christmas, bitsandpieces!

  3. how come a few inches of snow at Christmas is a blessed thing but a few inches of snow on Jan. 2nd is a freaking nightmare. Just wondering.

    the pix is from last Christmas. this year 37 F and sun

  4. ALN – Because that snow you got last Christmas was a snow of Biblical proportions. But there is no “January” in the Bible.
    You’re welcome.

  5. Now sending you all some of the wisconsin snow we got a comin. Predictions are between 12-18 ” for us here. Happy Holidays all..

  6. I’d rather have rain than snow at any time…
    At least when it rains the idiots on the roads can stop in a relatively safe distance, whereas in snow and ice, their “antics” end up more like Curling than driving. Prime example this morning here near Canterbury in Kent, UK where I work, in the short disatnce of 1-1.5 miles (on a fairly notorious stretch of local road) there were 4 crashes due to ice on the roads, mainly caused by people not driving to the conditions.
    Anyway, rant over, wishing everyone here on Bits & Pieces a very merry and safe Christmas…

  7. Sure Scott, but nothing like 6 feet. Normal is 3 or 4 inches at a time, a big storm is usually still less than a foot. Probably not unlike your old town. Last year was unusually snowy, though. The really big snows are to my NE, up in Isiah’s territory.

    This Christmas storm is going to just bring us a lot of cold rain.


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