4 thoughts on “Fuel your car with water…”

  1. That’s all fine and good, but hydrolysis requires energy input, typically from a battery or other DC supply. The potentials in batteries are usually formed with energy from coal or gas burning power plants… so yea…

  2. they say he could make his engine run entirely on water.. but he currently has a hybrid design. why? why not go all the way?

  3. the power of gas company’s… they just can’t figure out how to keep raping you… the pay off is too big to switch to a new technology that would become free… the 30 billion they make a quarter, half goes to car manufactures to keep using gas… the other goes to the electric company so people don’t make there own electricity…

  4. This guy was poisoned and all his work stolen.

    See what our government and energy companies will do to keep us locked in our boxes?


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