10 thoughts on “I want my Daddy for Christmas”

  1. I never tire of these stories.
    It’s so hard to have a Daddy or Mommy deployed during the holidays, especially at such tender ages… I’m glad to see some are able to make it back for a brief and meaningful visit.

  2. What a stupid war! Thank that retard George Bush for that. I have a daughter her age, and I would be pretty upset if they made me stay away from her and put me in the line of danger for no good reason.

    I can’t believe we were ruled by such an idiot for 8 years.

  3. That was really good. But, really…I probably just have something in my eye. I’m not crying. Feels like a spec of dust or something.

  4. LOL Duuude…You must’ve forgotten that nobody made him stay away from his daughter…he joined. Just like the 35,000 more that Obama is about to “make stay away”. Didn’t even Obama call it the “right” war? You might have missed his speech a day or two ago when he picked up his Peace prize. I think he (or the guy that writes his speeches) gave some ‘good reasons’…he called it a “just war” and said he would not “stand idle” in the face of threats to the United States. I guess he and W agree on that. You?

    Here’s a thought…if you don’t want to have your president “make you stay away” from your kid, don’t volunteer to go away.

  5. Very nice and touching story.

    Duude, you almost ruined it for me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion (even if it’s wrong) but there’s a time and a place for it…..and this is NOT it.

  6. That reporters voice has got to be one of the most annoying voiceovers I’ve ever heard. Ruins an otherwise touching story.

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