What do you hope will happen in your lifetime?

Reddit asks an interesting question.  Readers come up with some interesting answers.  Here are a few examples:

  • I’ll meet a nice girl whose name doesn’t end in .jpg.
  • Colonization of space (Moon, Mars, asteroids, space stations). Affordable space tourism. Manned missions to the outer planets.
  • Legalization of drugs.
  • The toppling of organized religion.
  • The mass extinction event to end all mass extinction events.
  • I want to find true love.
  • Replicators. Seriously, no need for money anymore. You want a Ferrari, you tell a computer and BAM, Ferrari.
  • Anti-aging. Brain to computer uploading
  • I’ll go for; knowing whether or not I’m using semicolon in the correct way. And the rebirth of the dinosaurs, but this time we attach lasers to them.
  • Eternal life, and once I have eternal life, everything else will occur within my lifetime.
  • The jetpack we all thought we’d have.
  • 3 hours and not ONE person has said “I hope to lose my virginity”? (Reddit, you disappoint me)

What do you hope will happen in your lifetime?


33 thoughts on “What do you hope will happen in your lifetime?”

  1. It’s interesting to me that one of the seemingly more bizarre “hopes” mentiond — namely, “the mass extinction event to end all mass extinction events” — is actually coming to pass as we speak. By the end of this century, humans will have driven most of the great mammals, the vast majority of birds, and quite a few fish to extinction. Presumably, copies of their genetic materials will be stored somewhere for the future, but suitable habitats are not likely ever to return.

  2. Anti-aging is high on my list, including stopping memory loss. Also: something that will enable me to eat 4000 calories a day if I want to and still have the body of a super-model; discovery of life on other planets, even if it’s only microbes; and most of all (this one’s a stretch) real high-speed Internet access in my neck o’ the woods.

  3. LMAO Paul it will never happen ,you are a nice guy but I will take death over becoming a liberal,I want to be the first person on Mars,hey DJ how about we get some babes and take off

  4. Just as aristotelianism (teleology) was abruptly collapsed in the mid 16th century by the age of reason/enlightenment, I hope to see the collapse of the age of reason, science and enlightenment within my lifetime.

  5. While a cure for cancer, a pill that lets you eat anything you want without getting fat or the stopping of all cruelty to animals would be great. I could also use a time machine to correct some bad choices but mostly, in my life time, I would like to see my children grown into happy, fulfilled, kind adults that don’t hate their mother even though she didn’t let them have ‘just one more and that’s it (for the fourth time!!)’ chocolate before lunch when they were three! Fingers crossed…

  6. I’m really hoping that, in my lifetime, Scarlett Johansson falls upon hard times and needs to pose for Playboy….or Penthouse. Either way I can then die happy.

  7. DJ, Infi and Isiah. I’ll come over and paint y’all green and blow you a kiss as you set off on your journey. Can you bring Marvin back with you?

  8. I’d like to have Hugh Jackman over for drinks. An end to animal cruelty, that’s a good one, and and end to world hunger. With all the billionaires in the world today, I don’t see any reason for any child to go to bed hungry.

  9. Lefty, Hold on tight. I think that ride has begun.

    PIB, Thanks for the ribbon link; and evolution’s not THAT potent.

    Richard, That’d be a great entree!

    I hope to see my own world, the one that I can influence, come to order.

  10. Hmmm….aliens wanting to consort with Republicans and religious groups? I guess that would that be a symbol of an advanced race and like minds melding. No, I guess your argument is to dump them/us like an unwanted pet.
    But, yep, Paul, I was thinking very similar to your thoughts in that we all agreed on something. Not in our individual beliefs but that we would all share a common underlying thought for the greater good. That also implies the means to that greater good would intersect and overlap. I think both sides want what’s best, it’s just interpretation of the best means to achieve it and what we have to give up to reach that point.

  11. Re Somimes post

    “I’d like to see a new chain of restaurants open up, like “Hooters”, but called “Beavers”!”

    Id love Hooters to open a chain in the UK 🙂



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