15 thoughts on “Really big dogs”

  1. My Aunt and Uncle used to raise Bull Mastiffs. The pride of the house was “Andy Baby”, named after my father, who needed a custom choke chain 31 inches long – my waist size at the time.

  2. If you notice the woman in the fourth picture has abnormal foot size. That picture is obviously photoshoped, and badly, at that.

  3. not photoshopped people…have you forgotten a little thing callep perception? those dogs are just closer to the camera. they’re still probably huge though…irish wolfhounds in particular.

  4. I myself am a movie editor and these pictures are truly the real deal. If they were photoshopped the light balance would be askew because of the input of a picture of different origin. It’s called the sunlight retraction effect… look it up. It states that any light from a different photo because of the contradiction to another photo would hence make the picture turn blurry and not out right. The enlarged feet are because of the camera lenses… it must be a concave lens instead of a convex… often times used to make pictures seem larger. So in fact the dogs aren’t truly that large.. the camera is just at the right angle to them to make the people look normal and make them look abnormal freakish.

  5. these pictures are not photoshopped…
    1st picture: its a russian breed dogs that are up to 230 lb in average size..also some russians use them for hunting bears.
    2nd 3rd and 4th pictures: there is a japanese show on youtube..look up “three big dogs” and you’ll see those breeds can grow up to 109 cm
    5th picture: also in that japanese show…the longest was recorded 115 cm..so ya..these pictures are actually real and yes some dogs can just grow huge like humans. Remember..they are living things too..

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