21 thoughts on “Labor Day open mic”

  1. I was on a dive boat some years back, and the dive master – for a group of folks getting their SCUBA licenses – was telling the kids about how to deal with sharks:

    If you look at a shark, notice that they have long noses, and the mouth underneath. If you are smart and fast, you can actually push the shark away as it gets close. Well, you are probably pushing yourself away from the shark, but still. Sadly, you can only do this four times. Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. . .

    A better way is to team up with someone. Preferably a novice diver, to provide him with a calm partner. Draw your knife, to give yourself confidence. You now look like a larger creature to the shark, hopefully scaring it away. If the shark comes close again, take you knife, and as quickly as you can – LASH OUT! And stab your partner in the thigh. So now your partner is not only bleeding, but he’s swimming funny, too. . .

  2. How was your ride? Will you be posting pictures? I like to live vicariously through your rides on your big bike.
    I’m recovering from a spill I took last week on my scooter..missed a week of work and luckily enough, no broken bones, but quite bruised and battered. I tell you, good riding gear is key and it sure saved me from a whole lot of hurt.

  3. Me too Moochiecat! I love Jonco’s adventures!

    In other news, look what I got! YAY for overseas visitors!!

    Just over 9lbs of Reese’s! I am delirious with happiness! It may just be a massive sugar high though, dunno….

  4. @Jonco, speaking of rain in STL, I checked the forecast and left STL right when I got done on Saturday. With all the rain forecasted that night and the next day, sightseeing would have sucked, so I left.

  5. Sander, I almost made it by to say hello, but … obviously I didn’t. I had several in my group that wanted to go, but we ended up sitting around and talking and never made it there. Maybe next time. How’d you do in the arm wrestling thing?

  6. The arm wrestling event went well actually. The Mizzou game was also on, so that was a bonus. I had the good music playing and a few of the fine ladies dancing afterwards, but with the rain, the night was cut short so I could make it home at a decent time (midnight).

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